Chapter 31

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February 6, 2017

Alex POV

I was with Josh and Simon on our way to pick up my friends to go watch Finding Dory at a dine in theater.

I dont really know why, Simon and Josh both just asked if I wanted to watch it, and if I wanted to go with Matthew and the others. They are being extremely nice to me today and I dont know why.

But im not gonna question it. Im just gonna enjoy it.


I was sitting next to Matthew at the theater. They had chairs in twos which you can lay down in. It was really cool.

At one point Matthew lifted the arm rest between us and put his arm around me. I didnt do anything besides lay there, it didnt really bother me.

I did however fall asleep at one point. I tried not to, but my eyes started to get heavy and I couldnt stop it


Josh POV

The movie was now over and we all got up. I looked over at the kids and made sure no one was missing. I saw that Alex and Matthew werent standing yet so I looked over at their seats and saw that they were asleep and that Matthew had his arm around her and she was cuddled up against him.

"The moment when two 12 year olds have a better love life then you." Simon said causing the kids besides Alex and Matthew to chuckle. Simon took a picture and posted it on twitter with his exact words.

"Are they dating?" I asked.

"No, they're just friends." Alexis answered.

"Friends with benefits." Bella continued.

"Except they dont kiss or anything. They just hug, hold hands, and Matthew would have his arm around her shoulders sometimes." Karim explained.

Simon and I just nodded.

"Hey guys, wake up." I said shaking them. They wouldn't budge.

"Here, I got this," Rozzy started. She walked over to them and said, "Alex! There's pizza over there! FOOD!"

Alex instantly woke up flinging her arms up causing her to hit Matthew making him wake up.

"I heard food! Where is it?!" She asked standing up looking around.

"Ahh! Why did you hit me?" Matthew asked rubbing his face as he got up.

"There's no food, we just needed you to get up. The movie's over." Simon said laughing a bit.


Alex POV

The guys were acting weird and I dont know why. They told me to open the door as if there was a monster inside. I dont normally open the door when we go out so this is weird.

When I opened the door all the lights were turned off, so I turned the lights on and well. I nearly shit my pants.

"SURPRISE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALEX!!" Everyone screamed. And by everyone I mean all of the Sidemen and even the Pack!? When the fuck did they fly down here?!

"Oh yeahhhhhh. Today's my birthday!" I said remembering it. That's why Josh and Simon were being strangely nice.

"You mean to tell me, you didnt even remember it was your own birthday?" Preston asked. I nodded my head.

"Come on man I flew all the way here for your birthday and you didnt even remember it!" Mitch joked.


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