March 30th 9:51

16 0 0

~secrets p.o.v~

It sucks being friends with an enemy Or the fact that their your friend with your ex still and you let them in all the damn time I don't know which is worse can't tell yet. But imagine your ex does a bunch of shut and hurts you and your stupid and let them back in after they:

Cheat on you
Break up with you when their drunk with your friends
Lie to you all the time
Blame you for everything
Talk shit about you
Let you cut all the time
Not give on shit about you
Well that's my ex. He's a fuckboi and everyone knows it. He just won't accept it.

Update on my arms well arm theirs only one with cuts this time so there's.........
100 cuts on it

My waist has......

And my ankle has....
My foot has.....

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