Chapter Thirteen

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As soon as Mikey left my sight, an instant whisper filled the other room.

What were they talking about?

Nervous, i gathered my knees in my arms and held them tight against my chest, allowing my chin to rest comfortably on them. Mikey looked nervous too before he left...this worried me.

If Mikey was nervous, then i deffinately should be.

At random times i could over hear their conversations. Something about a 'foot' and a 'Hun' and a ... 'shredder' ? None of this made sense to me, so i was hoping mikey would come back in soon and explain to me exactly what was happening...but it seemed like hours before i even heard someone move in the other  room.

Curiousity was ripping at my insides and burned through my brain.

'What were they saying?'

so as 'ninja like' as i could, i crept over to the doorway, pressed my ear to the wall, and listened.

"No, no we cant!"

"Mikey, its one girl. Do you want to jeopardize our city, our friends, or even our 'famly' for someone you havent even known for twenty-four hours?"

"I know i dont know her that well but i want to get to know her! Why is this even in the question? We 'save' lives, not offer them as sacrifices for the 'greater good' as you put it. No, i say we fight, she deserves a chance...we all do.

it was silent. something tells me Mikey isnt one to speak his mind a lot, being the less mature one of the everyone, myself included, was shocked.

"Michelangelo..." splinter spoke. "You, have true care for this girl, do you not?"

i waited for his response...he was silent for just a moment before i heard him proudly say

"Yes sensai, i do."

a smile melted over my once worried facial expressions, washing all my fears away. i knew as long as i had mikey, i'd be safe.

"I still say its a bad idea, risking it and all." leo muttered...well screw you too, debbie downer

"No leonardo, i believe Michelangelo is right. Every life has a right to live, why should ours be more important than hers?"

"because its our family were talking about here and ill do whatever it takes to protect you guys, anything!"

"leonardo, silence yourself!"

"in other words bro, shut the shell up!...She stays, and we protect her."  Mikey butted in. "Leo, you need to learn your place and its not over Splinters."

i had heard enough. i sat with my back leaned against the wall, staring aimlessly at all of the colorful posters and comics flung carelessly around Mikeys room, and i waited. Being as patient as i could.

i jumped when, not even a minute later, i felt a cold hand press down on my shoulder

"so how much of that did you hear?"

i stood once i was able to breathe properly again...and as soon as i was upright mikey wrapped his arms around me and held me tight. "Just that last part." i muttered against his chest. 

"Im sorry you had to hear any of it. i couldnt believe how he was acting! but if it were venus who was in trouble, oh shell you know he'd kill us if we said to throw her to the foot!"

"Thats one thing i was wondering about.." i asked leaning back to look him in the eye.

he seemed puzzled, and his expression proved it. "Okay, shoot. what are you wondering about?"

A TMNT Love-Ish Story *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now