Chapter Eight

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He shoved my hand off, harshly “Thanks but I don’t need no ones sympathy.” And with that, he walked off to the entertainment room and plopped into the recliner “And if any of you bimbos come up here, fare warning, I will kill you.” I couldn’t resist laughing then.

                “Raph, it’s okay to get dumped and who knows, she may just come crawling back on her hands and knees….or whatever she has…”

                He scoffed “Whateva” then he slouched further down into the chair, moping.

                “So Mikey, what’d you guys talk about?” asked Donnie, ignoring Raph completely as I usually do…but in a weird way, I actually felt for him…I would die if I lost Anya…oh what am I saying, I’m not even with her and she practically fears my very existence…there’s no chance of that.

                “Donnie, I took her home, that was it!” I yelled, trying to get m point across and in slight anger of my realization of reality…I might never see Anya Dobson again.

                “…Right….” He laughed “Well, I’m gonna go fix my hover craft now, since you won’t tell me.”

                I huffed to his remark, rolled my eyes, then trailed back to my room. Peace ran through me as I plopped on my to lumpy for extreme comfort bed, but I made do. This is good I thought to myself…maybe she dint fear me…so there is still hope…

                Anya’s Pov

                “Ma’am, we need you to describe the man that infiltrated the store.” Asked the chubby excuse for a police officer…

                “I told you they were all dressed in black from head to toe, I saw nothing!” I replied, a little more irritated than the fifteen times before. He just didn’t get that fact that I couldn’t see their faces!

                “Okay” he said, short “She won’t tell us.” He whispered to the cop on the other side of the walkie talkie. I groaned.

                “Anastasia?!” a timid but very familiar voice called.

                “Mom?!” I sat still…I’m soooo grounded

                “Anya!” she exclaimed, spotting me inside the store. As she walked in, she carefully examined the kicked in door, the shattered window, with its pieces all scattered across the slightly blood stained floor….she looked to me, “What happened here?” she asked, walking to my side and wrapping her arms around me for an unneeded hug, especially because of my bullet wound…which was killing me right now.

                “An attempted robbery.” I replied, holding back every emotion that wanted to burst out from the pain inflicted on my wound by her hugging me…

                “Attempt? And who stopped this attempt?” she asked, alert and very curious.

                “Uh, he left after he fought them off..” I replied. I didn’t lie, Mikey did leave after he fought them…he just brought me with him because of a gunshot wound in my shoulder, no biggie…

                “Oh…” she smirked, suspicious.  She looked around, examining the room again. “This place is a mess!” she shrieked silently, then walked over to the comic book shelves and began picking up glass shards form the broken window. I stood and looked around the counter. There it was, in the same spot I last saw it. Mikey deserved the comic, free of charge, he saved my life, I’m sure dad would understand. I took it and hit it in my purse. “So,” my mother began, sweeping now, close to me. “Was Mr. Hero handsome?”

                “Ma!” I exclaimed, getting closer so she wouldn’t talk so loud so everyone could hear…embarrassing.

                “Well, was he?” she asked, putting her sweeping to a halt and putting her free hand not holding the broom on her hip, showing a toothy smile. I had to think about her question…was he handsome?...yes, he is a turtle but…those eyes…those deep, lightened blue eyes…every time I looked at them…I stood in fear and yet, astonishment. How can such a creature possess such a caring way about him, just by looking into his eyes? She waited for my reply, impatiently.

                “Yes.” I replied, sheepish. She smiled even bigger, showing a full set of Crest strips whitened teeth.

                “OO-LA-LA!” she squeaked, then clapped her hands together in excitement. “What’s he like?”

                I hesitated…Oh you know mom, he was really sweet, kind, helped me get a bullet out of my arm, oh and he’s a giant turtle with the skills of Jet Lee … HECKS TO THE NO WAY WAS i GONNA TELL HER THAT! “Can’t say.” I replied…well that wasn’t suspicious.


                “He was dressed and covered from head to toe…” well he was…in his own skins…but she didn’t need to know that. I figured I was covering up good, there was no she would figure out it was-

                “Oh! It was Mikey wasn’t it!?” she replied….HOW IN THE WORLD DID SHE GUESS THAT?!             

                “Uh, yeah, yeah I think so…” I replied…playing along with my act still…kind of…fail.

                “Oh good, your daddy likes him, a lot.” She smiled

I smiled, for I finally realized “I do too.”

“But I didn’t know he fought crime…hmm, that could be useful for you and your tendencies for trouble…” she winked then went back to her sweeping.


Anya's Daddy---->

A TMNT Love-Ish Story *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now