Chapter Seven

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We all laughed, Leo called it. Raph stood but Splinter stopped him…oh how I love you Sensei “Yes, Michelangelo will assist you.” He said, setting a yielding hand on Raph’s chest.

“Wha?” he asked “But- Masta Spl-“he tried, but was cut off quickly.

“Raphael!” he shouted, summoning Raph to shut the shell up already…he jus’ got served. I smiled to myself inside, cause whenever I pulled a stunt like that, Raph would pumble me into the ground…but he can’t do that to our beloved Father and Master…oh the irony. But then Master Splinter looked to me “Michelangelo, this woman needs your help…again.” He chuckled. I smiled gratefully, stood, bowed respectfully to Master Splinter, smirked at Raph, and then walked down to her with the most pride and joy. “Come on” I said, putting my hand on her shoulder, she shuddered a little “let’s go” and I took my hand down. She nodded timidly, but tried to smile…I guess if I was in her position…I’d be totally hot!...but also scared outta my shell, or I guess I wouldn’t have a shell if I was her, I’d be hot, but no shell…man I love being a turtle.

The tunnels. Oh how I love it when someone doesn’t know how to get around them, takes them forever to get out of here…good thing I’m a skilled enough type of dude to escort such a fine little lady…but I didn’t want to rush getting her home…I wanted to make time to talk with her before she left cause, I’d probably never see her again.

            “So…I don’t think I ever got your name..” I said, walking beside her at a dead snail’s pace, all awkwardly.

            “What?” she asked, very quietly….oh come on, is that awkward? I mean all I’m doing is walking beside you through a sewer tunnel…

            “Well,” I began, then slipped my thumbs into my belt loops. “I only know you as ‘Jim’s daughter’”

            The look on her face was almost a smirk, like she would have a hard time telling me her name…but then she sighed and looked forward, replying ‘Anastasia, but you can just call me Anya.” The name, in its own way, suited her so well. You could picture such an elegant name for such an elegant girl. With her long dark browned curls draping around her olive toned face, and those peepers…those captivating and breath taking eyes, such a rare emerald green…and now I sound like a chic from one of those girlie flicks…since when did I start sounding like such a girl? Am I losing touch with my inner dude-awesomeness or something? Is that possible for a turtle of my level of sheer epicness??

                “Anya, kewl.” I smiled. She attempted to bring up the corners of her mouth, but, it was kinda a failed attempt…but eh, I couldn’t blame her. I would be slightly terrified…at first…but by now I woulda got over it…what’s so wrong with me? I felt as though I was losing touch with her, like she was just dying to leave…so my inner entertainer came forth. “Hey watch this!” I exclaimed, taking a couple steps back, bouncing on the balls of my feet, just enough to get my adrenaline up so I can run full speed to a wall, running up it and flipping backwards, landing perfectly on my feet next to her. This was a childish move to me and my biological siblings, but to her (basing completely on her expression) this was an amazing act on my part. Her jaw dropped just slightly but she shut it just as fast. Shell, what’s it take to impress this chick? I snorted lightly, then still in my entertainer mode, I flipped forward to walk on my hands “Let’s go!” I exclaimed, walking forward, legs straight in the air, hands planted to the ground, and her walking very awkwardly next to me, quietly. A frown pulled at the corners of my mouth and I stopped to stand up right.


                What a goof! As amazing talented and incredible as he was, there was still that bit of stubborn fear that wouldn’t let me say a word, just walk awkwardly beside him. He was, incredibly sweet and acted as though he could care…but he’s an animal…right? He can’t feel…that’s not possible…is it? And yet..i though I couldn’t be safer with anyone other than…Mikey. Jumping off my train of thought, I realized we ended up to a wall with three pipes protruding off of it. This was a confusing moment to me. I thought he was taking me home. What if he brought me here to rape me?!? He began humming, a constant ‘do-do-do-do-doo’, skipping over the first two pipes and pulled down on the third. As if I were in a movie, the pipe came down and smoke was released as the wall began to rise, revealing a hidden tunnel. My jaw dropped once again. So many secrets that lie beneath this city and no one even knows it…no one except me, for all I know.

A TMNT Love-Ish Story *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now