Chapter Eleven

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He smirked harshly before clambering to his feet.

In one sick motion, he was directly in front of me with one hand behind my back, pulling me to him, close. “You, my friend, have guts…I like that.” He murmured into my ear, slightly nipping at it with his teeth, the stench of alcohol tagging along his words close behind, nasty.

                “You must also like rejection.” I piped, trying to get out of his hold on me….i failed “Le-Let me go!” I shrieked, trying to yank myself away from him, but he was packing some serious muscle somewhere on him, not letting me have the slightest chance of breaking free on my own.

                “Hmmm, naw!” he laughed then brought me closer again to whisper “How’s that for rejection?”

                “Jace, she’s my sister, let her go…please…” asked Johnny, limping to the front of the pack, next to us. Even though we were in a dark alley, you could still see his beaten flesh, the pain filled eyes he bared, it made me so sad to see him in this condition.

                “Naw dude, this chic is messin with the Purple Dragons….she will have to owe us in one way or another…and I have the perfect idea for her….” Jace replied, still holding me close. He smiled crookedly down to me, looking me up and down with want in his eyes.

                “Oh no, no Jace, please no!” Johnny pleaded, holding his arm in pain as he fought to stand and beg.

                “What?!” I questioned, scared. Looking to Johnny then to Jace, then back to Johnny.

                “Fo get it man, beggin will get you nowhere but out of the gang…” replied Jace, ignoring my question completely, looking to Johnny but quickly returned his attention to me. “..This is what happens when you bring your pretty lil sister into things.”

                “Johnny!” I exclaimed as he drug me away “No! No! Help!” I screamed after he threw me over his shoulder like a dead deer, helpless…but who was I kidding. No one messes with the Purple Dragon…and I did…majorly. Instantly, a car pulled up to the end of the alley, the door open wide and ready for me to be shoved in. I belled out one last plea in case anyone heard me, before they threw me in the back seat of an old rust-bucket.

                                MIKEY’S POV

                “CCOOOWWAAABBUNNGGAAA!” I screamed, scaling the sewers walls, tearing it up on my skateboard while Leo stayed on the floor, scooting his was way behind me…lame-o. I was totally shredding it up until I heard a females voice….a scared as shell familiar voice.

                “Johnny!” she’d call

                “Mikey, why are you-“

                “Shhh!” I hushed at Leo. He instantly listened to me as I listened to the commotion above.

                “No! No! Help!” she screamed

                “Leo-“ I began, turning to face him, but he was already walking around me and towards the girls shrill voice.

                “Let’s go!” he exclaimed.

                We both hurried our shells to the nearest man hole as fast as we could, climbing up and out with incredible super turtle like speed, just in time to see a group of purple dragon scum throw Anya in the back of their delivery car….shell naw.  Before the driver could even shift into gear, Leo and I had already taken out the beefy-est looking ones, letting the wimps escape with little damage this time, sheer anger powered adrenaline drove me to want to kill every man in this alley. I saw a burly sort of fellow attempt to be all in the shadows behind me, in an attempted sneak attack…attempted is the key word here. I ducked just as he pounced at me, sending him to have a very un excepted meeting with the concrete alley floor…dumb butt.  Leo did some fancy sword moves as I chucked all those bimbos on the head with my chucks, shouting in triumph with each blow given to their heads. When all were defeated, I looked back to the car. Anya, scared to death, crawled out of the car.

                “Anya!” I exclaimed, running to her. “Anya are you alright? Did they touch you, hurt you at all? Shell, I’ll kill’em all!”

                “Johnny..” she muttered

                “What? Anya, who the shell is Johnny?” I asked as a sudden burst of raging jealousy swept over me…was Johnny a boyfriend of hers, and did he drag her into his gang mess, or was he dealing with them and as payment, he gave them her…the mere thought raised veins through all parts of my body, my nostrils flaring, my eyes burning.

                “My brother!” she cried, getting past me and began scanning the alley, probably for him. “He’s not here!” she cried. She fell to the ground in tears, man I couldn’t stand to see her like this. Right as I was about to walk to her to comfort her, Leo shouted.

                “Mikey, those two got away!” and he chased after the two, stealthy like.

The alley was full of knocked down purple dragons, so I had to get Anya out of here…and since her bro was involved with them, it wasn’t safe for her to go home…well, not to her home at least.

                “Mikey.” She said, standing

                “Yes?” I asked, panicky and now at her side.

                “I…I can’t go home…can i..?” she asked, rubbing her arm up and down. I shook my head no… “..but I have to, my father is dying and, I have to be there…my mother and father both need me…badly…and they need Johnny too-“ she broke into sobs. I drew her into my chest, cradling her. I didn’t know what to say, or what to do at all…all I knew was I didn’t like how she was feeling…at all.

                “Anya.” I said, petting her hair down. She looked up to meet my stare, her eyes lightly coated with unshed tears. “Come with me.” I said, not really asking, petting down her hair one last time. Her eyes began to twinkle, mostly because of the tears swelling her water line, but the smiled tugging at the corners of her mouth gave me her answer before she could even say-

                “Yes” she whimpered, resting her head back onto my chest. Never have I ever felt so, love-ish…I scooped her up in my arms and held her close. Shell she’s so gorgeous…Leo was still playing stealth with the P.D.’s, so I decided to just take her home.

A TMNT Love-Ish Story *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now