Chapter Twelve

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“Uh, Sensei!” Donnie yelled as I walked in, Anya still cradled close to my chest, right where I wanted her.

Splinter walked out of the dojo, walking stick in hand (of course), starring at me. I put on a sweet and toothy grin and as I had hoped, his expression softened “What am I going to do with you…” he sighed, walking back into his room, but before he slid the door shut, he turned around slowly, opened his mouth to say “AND NO, YOU MAY NOT KEEP HER!” … okay more like shouted, then he smiled and shut the door behind him….smart rat. I rolled my eyes slightly, he knows me too well. I turned back to Donnie, who was standing over by his work table now

“So, trying to get me into trouble are ya?”

“Trying?” he asked “Please Mikey, you can do that all on your own…No, I was just warning Sensei that he has a new set of hormones to deal with.” He chuckled, as a growling sound echoed the room.

“Hi Angel.” I said, walking to my room. “On the monthly, are we Miss Growly Pants?”

“Shut up dick head.” She muttered. I turned just a quick second to acknowledge her and her crude comment, but when I turned back to face my room, I found my room to be completely filthy… I was embarrassed…why? This is how I always keep my room…why am I so repulsed by it now? Why am I so aggravated by the thought of her waking to this? Why am I talking like Donnie?? Ugh, I really need to get back in touch with my inner ‘dude’. She shifted in my arms just a bit, waking up.

“Mikey?” she asked, lifting her head to make eye contact with me. I let her down and out of my grasp, so she could walk around a bit. As she surveyed my room, she just smiled sweetly at every pile of mess.

“Uh, it’s not much but you’ll be sleeping here..” I replied, attempting to fluff the pillow and straighten out the sheets, leaning against the back board of the bed when I was done. She looked at the bed, I could see question in her expression, but still, she replied:

“It’s perfect.” She smiled again as she crawled onto my bed…so sexy… “But-“

But what? What’s wrong? Do they smell? Are they dirty? Don, you forgot to wash my sheets didn’t you?!”

“Not my job!” he hollered back from the other room.

“No-Mikey, no…I was just wondering, where you were uh, sleeping?”


He sighed, rubbing the back of his head, looking around his imperfectly-perfect room.

“Um, well I guess I’ll be crashin’ on the couch out there.” He replied, looking at me. I didn’t know why, but I didn’t want him out there, I wanted him in here, in this bed…with me. I frowned instantly, not able to hold it back... “Hey, hey, hey, hey.” He said softly, coming to my side and sitting down next to me. “Don’t worry, you’re safe here Anya.” He pushed some misplaced hair behind my ear. “Scouts honor.” I looked up to him, into those big blue, absolutely gorgeous eyes. The friction between us grew stronger as we stared into each other’s eyes…pulling us closer and closer together until, my lips and his beak met. Never had I ever felt such a rush of emotions and hormones take over me with just one peck…and this left me begging for more. I leaned in more as he did, wrapping his built arms around me.

This was right, so right. We were meant for each other and nothing could break me from this realization, I finally realized it, after all the grief I’ve caused, even in this short period of time, I realized, I love you Mikey, I really do.


“Shhh, quiet you fools! The master might hear you…” growled Hun, the leader over all the Purple Dragon’s. He surveyed the group, looking into each of the boy’s eyes “Where are the rest of my men?” he all but growled.

“In the alley across from Blenny’s, we was givin’ Johnny boy his initiation when this chick comes to play hero…come to find it’s his sister…Jace was gonna handle her, his way, but something came up…” one of the Dragon’s replied, cringing.

Hun growled again, clenching his fists into boulders as he muttered “Turtles…”

“Yeah, and she’s involved with them!” another put in.

Hun’s expression was still ugly as all get out, but it softened as a sly grin smeared across his face. “Hmm, this makes her a double target, messing with our business and entertaining the attention of the turtles…She’s useful. Find her! Cancel all other search parties and hits tonight and track down this girl. I want that Johnny in, NOW!” Hun commanded, not realizing that death itself was standing right behind him.

Setting a hand on Hun’s shoulder, the Shredder replied “Excellent idea, Hun…”

“Oh shell.” I muttered. i quickly turned and left as I came before anyone caught me, amazingly. Usually trouble just comes to me; thank God it’s not today.


“Mikey-“ I muttered, he stopped kissing me to answer


“I am so sorry, for  how I treated you, I didn’t even know you and I still didn’t give any of you a chance…”

“Dude,” he started laughing lightly “All is good.” I smiled as he did, turtle or not, i…I loved him… “Anya..” he sighed, now it’s my turn.

“Yes?” I asked, anxious.

“I… I really do think, no, I know that…I…I..” he tried…spit it out Mikey! “I love you.”

As soon as the words left his mouth, I felt secure, that I wasn’t the only one here with feelings like this…

“I love you too.” I replied, smiling so big I could hardly say it. I almost didn’t have enough time to say my feelings before his lips pressed against mine again…yes, yes this is good.


It was happening fast, very fast. Just earlier today she acted as though I was the plague and wanted nothing to do with me, and now…we’re both saying we love each other? Don’t get me wrong; I am not complaining…But…how can someone’s feelings do a complete one-eighty within a few short hours?

She wrapped her arms around my neck and leaned forward, lightly pushing on me. I didn’t let us fell back onto the bed, there was something I needed to set straight first. “Anya.” I asked.

“Yes?” she asked again.

I sat us up, so we could talk…man I’ve become such a chick “What happened up there?”

Her smiled faded, and a frown slowly began to take its place as she explained. “Well, my dad was coughing up blood again and I couldn’t take it so I went for a walk, only to find my brother getting beaten by his new ‘friends’ and I intervened so they were going to ‘pumble me’…” she concluded...yeah, ‘pumble’ her my shell!


Where was Johnny? As much as it made me hurt to repeat the incident that happened just moments ago, Mikey’s reaction made it worth it. He cradled me into an overprotective hug and began petting my hair “Don’t you worry…they won’t touch you.” He promised, holding me tighter. I loved this, feeling safe and secure, and I only felt that with Mikey. “Anya, I-“

“Guys!” someone yelled form the other room. “Guys, family meeting, NOW!”

Mikey looked dot me, then quickly scrambled out of the bed and clambered into the main room.

A TMNT Love-Ish Story *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now