Chapter One

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Photo: Anya !

"Oh come on Donnie, please, please, please, please!?" I begged. Don had a just made a new doo-hicky-ma-bobber...whatever. It was shiny and I wanted it.

"Shell no, Mikey!" he exclaimed, holding the controller close to him "This is highly delicate technology saved, restored, and re-used from the Ubetrons. I've been working countless hours on this prototype and-"

"Blah. Blah. Blah. Big, boring words, Gim'me!" i demanded. Child-ish i know but hey, that's just me.

He sighed "Mikey, i swear, if you get one scratch on this, just one, I'll set Raph on you" he threatened, some threat.

"Oh, I'm shaking in my shell now, Donnie"

He looked at me narrow eyed. "Just don't...just don't hurt it..." he said, holding out the control with the big and colorful buttons. i began doing my signature laugh, a constant "heheheheh-heh-heh", excitement coursing through my veins.

"Hmm, this button looks promising." i said while starring at the big, red, touch-me-not, button, so i had to touch it.

"What? Which one? Mikey, no!" Donny exclaimed and he tried taking the remote, but i already pressed it. And the floating air craft, crashed into the sewer wall.

Donny groaned. I laughed, hesitantly, setting the controller on the ground next to me. With my thumbs in my belt loops, i walked off, whistling innocently...but i didn't get far.

"Hold it" Donny said, through his teeth. i turned on the balls of my feet and folded my hands, pleadingly.

"Yes oh sweet and forgiving brother of mine, who loves me, what can i do for you?"

He paused, inhaling and closing his eyes, then exhaling. "You're toast" he mumbled. my hands dropped and my phony smile disappeared, leaving a pouty lip in its place. He stood in front of me, huffed, then bent down to pick up the controller. Oh how tempted i was to kick him, but i held my foot back. He came up slowly, glaring at me, but turned his back to me quickly.

i groaned. So getting Donny to hang out was out of the question. "Hey Raph!" i called

"Dont even think about asking me Mikey" he replied from the other room...

"Geez...oh Leo!" i yelled, but no answer "Leo?" still no answer, oh how i hate being ignored "LEO!!?!"

" Mikey!" he yelled, stomping into the room. Good, i got his attention " What? What do you want!?" he exclaimed

"Whoa, dude, relax man."

His eye twitched. "RElax!? i was almost close to perfecting my focus and balance skills, then you ruined it!"

"Er...oops. Sorry bro." i replied, sheepish

"Uh, save it Mikey. Just...don't make noise." he said then walked out of the room, mumbling to himself the entire way.

"Well that went well" i sighed "But i guess there's still one person left..."

"Cody, NO!"

"I'm sorry Dona, its better this way...we are, through."

"AH-HA! I knew it!" Splinter yelled. I groaned...hate his programs...they make no sense! They brake up for five minutes, then theyre back together again. i leaned my head back, against the back rim of the couch...bored. i was falling asleep.

"Michelangelo! this is the best part, pay attention my son!"

"Huh?" i asked, waking up "Oh, sorry Sensei, i'm up"

"What? Do you not like my programs? " he asked.

"To be honest Sensei, i don't. Sorry." i stood, stretched, and yawned

"Well then how about you go and do something with your brothers?" he asked...i got the hint he wanted me to leave so he could watch his show...

"Already tried that master, didnt work out like i planned"

"Well my son, then-" he was cut off

"And now back to the show!" the t.v. anounced

"I know, i know...see ya later Sensei" i moaned then dragged my self to my room. When there, i found out there was nothing to do.

i've already read all the issues of all my comics...twice (im working on thrice (cool word...thrice)) and all of my skateboards have been cleaned, pimped out, road, and then cleaned again. My snack stash was empty and all my movies were old and already watched a billion times...over and over and over, theres only so much Tarzan and Jane a turtle can take. I've hit rock bottom, boredom. But little did i know that, that was all about to change.

A TMNT Love-Ish Story *UNDER HEAVY EDITING*Where stories live. Discover now