chapter nineteen: unnoticed

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Their v formation walked over in a choreographed movement; their coats lightly skimming the ground as they came; making a swishing noise. We had an amazing view of their dramatic entrance.

But they couldn’t see or hear us. All because of the shimmering dome that covered  our little group.

“Jamie, they really can’t see us.” I murmured.

“I know, but please Mel, I need to concentrate on keeping up this shield. Keep an eye on your tree illusions.” He murmured.

“Shoot. Sorry.” I muttered.

“Its okay Mel.” He replied, soothingly rubbing my hand. “Bella, get ready to use your shield incase. Alice, keep an eye out for any significant changes. Edward, keep track of their thoughts. Jasper, try and keep the atmosphere calm, if you can.”

They all nodded at Jamie’s instructions.

“Jamie, they’re coming closer!” I whispered, as they progressed onwards. Now I could see al their individual faces. There were three people in the peak; a blond male, a brunette male, and a petite blond female.

“That’s Caius, Alec, and Jane.” Edward told me, pointing them out individually. “The others… I’m not too sure.”

“That’s his secret army.” Jamie muttered. “The army that I was a part of before I left. Caius had chosen special humans, so to speak. Humans that he believed would make gifted vampires for his so called ‘super army’.” He rolled his eyes at that.

“What are these trees for?” I asked.

“To guide them away from us. If they come our way, and they come close enough to step into my shield, then we will have to move. But we will leave footprints in the snow. So don’t move your feet.”

I shivered at the thought of them finding us in our hiding spot.

But then I realized something. Why were we standing somewhere where we could leave obviously suspicious tracks? Why weren’t we somewhere safe like…

The roof.

Of course!

“Jamie! I figured out how to fix the footprint problem!” I whispered excitedly.

“What?” he asked.

We need to get up on the roof! They wont go there.”

“That’s a good idea, but what about the footprints?”

I stopped for a second to concentrate; imagining a solid ball of snow in my hands.

Concentrate Melanie, concentrate. I silently pleaded myself.

And it formatted.

I squeezed it gently, to test it realism.

It didn’t disappear.

I had made something from my imagination real.

“Edward I did it!” I called out, still keeping my voice down. Edward looked over at me questioningly. “Its real! Not an illusion. Its real!”

“Melanie, how’s this going to help?” Jamie asked.

“Hang on, let me try something.” I whispered. “Emmett, stay still, and don’t panic, please.” I urged, Emmett just looked at me questioningly.

Waiting for Caius and his group to divert their attention from our direction and walk around to the side of the house, I looked at Emmett’s feet and focused.

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