chapter one: plane ride

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chapter one: plane ride

I woke up to the pale sunlight streaming through the soft billowy clouds in the morning sky; the pale sunlight streaming through the plane windows waking me up from my dream. It wasn’t much of a dream, just colours all smudged together like a child’s work of art. It made me smile. I rarely got dreams as relaxing as that, I was usually quite restless at night, thinking, dreaming, many nights I’d cry myself to sleep…

I was on a plane with my sister Amelia and her husband Luke. We were visiting our cousin Bree and her father in Idaho. I lived far away, so we only got to visit in the holidays. But things changed after my father…

I stopped that thought cold. I wasn’t going to ruin my perfectly good mood with thoughts as saddening as that. Nowadays I only got to see bree once a year, twice if I was lucky. Why spoil the holiday with depressing thoughts from my past that I wanted to lock away? As much as I hated looking back on my thoughts I was terrified of losing them. My only problem with those thoughts of the past was whenever I’d think of them I would eventually run through all of my most vivid memories, then I would come back to reality and realize how messed up things turned out to be. Not that I didn’t already know. I just hated that reassurance. It made me sad. I stared out the plane window, and watched the colours change as the sun slowly emerged out of the clouds. I could see a few more stars left in the sky, but they were disappearing, those stars, and their light. Stars were very pretty, always shining down upon us from the dark night. Starlight…

I woke up from that daydream, and sighed. How hard it was to drive those past images out of my head, just looking at the difference in my past life and today was insane! I barely knew who I was anymore. Id changed so much over the past years because of what had happened in my life a while back. That was the reason why I was so excited to be seeing bree. She and I had grown close over the years despite the fact that we both kept to ourselves. She was a very shy, quiet girl.

Just like me.

I found it hard to make friends these days, I had such a different back story than other kids my age, and I shied away from people who tried to talk to me. Yet bree was there for me, all the time. When I wasn’t visiting she would call me, write letters or emails, sometimes we would even video chat.

Bree was more than just a cousin. We didn’t have that sort of relationship, where you’re the children would constantly quarrel over stupid things. We were too good of a friend to each other to argue or fight.

Bree was my friend, my only friend.

She was my rock, my safe harbor, my shoulder to cry on, the only person on this planet who knew me, Melanie rose tanner, inside out.

ok so i think ill have a break for the rest of the day, ill upload the next chapter tomorrow and ill post a photo of melanie :) please keep reading i know its a slow progress but im just getting the hang of using wattpad, its easier for me to upload o the computer and i just cant upload with an audience so i have to find time BUT that means that if i dont get to upload for a while ill be planning, drafting and editing the story on paper or on my ipod or something like that so that i can type it straight up on the computer!


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