chapter ten: tragedy

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hi guys!!! so chapter ten is finally up!!! im soo happy!!! and this chapter is the longest one AGAIN! (they keep getting longer... they shouldnt evr be more than 3,500ish) this chapter is 3,492 words and takes up 20 pages on word!!!!! AND BTW STARLIGHT HAD OVER 250 VIEWS!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  anyway, i have finally become quite good at making banners and pics for my fanfic, ive attached one on the side so check that out, ive also put up a video i watched yesterday, a video about edward and bella- its amazing; not starlight related apart from it being a twilight vid, but i just feel like sharing it with you awesome people! :) so this chapter is dedicated to @shazza__x just cause its her turn for a dedication, next chapter itll be someone else. everyone go checkout her story its amazing and she put me and @jessie1Dxoxo in it!!! theyre both amazing. go checkout @jessie1Dxoxo 's stories, shes an awesme writer although she probably doesnt relize, why else would i use up my time to read her stuff? lol :) also, PLEASE NOTE that i finally chose a cat member for melanie; i chose arianda grande, dunno why she just seemed like a good fit, all my fave actors are already IN twilight! next few chapters and jamie will be revealed!!! anyway, ALL TWILIGHT CHARACTERS AND THE MAGICAL WORL OF TWILIGHT BELONG TO STEPHENIE MEYER I AM BORROWING THEM!!!!!!!!!



-dannie xoxo

I woke up to an unfamiliar room, pale lavender walls, white bed accompanied by a matching beside table, which had a digital click resting on it. I checked the time- eight o'clock? Shit! I was usually up by six, ready to go out and continue my never ending struggle through nature.

I finally comprehended that I was in a room.

In a house.

A house full eight vampires, a half vampire, and a werewolf.

The turn my life had taken was unbelievable.

I didn't even get the chance to get out out bed before Alice bounded into the room, her face alight with excitement.

What now?

"Alice? What's wrong?" I mumbled, wanting to take my time I'm getting up, since I didn't have to look out for deadly threats lurking in the shadows.

"I am picking out your outfit for the day," she began. Outfit for the day? "Then you are going down for breakfast, Esme's making pancakes. Then you are going to tell us what why your here."

"What? You all know, Emmett carried me here after I saw him, Edward and bella... Hunting." I winced slightly at the memory.

Alice rolled her eyes. "We know about that. I meant before that encounter, and why you were all alone in the forest." She scolded me slightly. "Besides, you promised Nessie last night that you'd explain."

I did? I tried to remember last night, renesmee showed me the night sky, I remember her saying something as I drifted off to unconsciousness... Now that I thought about it, I did promise something.

I sighed. "Ok fine. Where are my clothes?"

Alice beamed, flashing out of the room and into a walk in cupboard- only to return a millisecond later with some fabric in her hands.

I de-clumped the pile and found that it consisted of fades blue shorts and a red singlet top, which was adorned with little beads on the low neckline.

Hastily I dressed in the bathroom, all the while I could here Alice's impatient foot tapping as she waiting for me to dress at a human pace. Te second I was done she glided in and took my hair in her hands, putting my dulling red curly hair and putting it up into numerous, elegant braids atop of my head, plaiting it in the middle where it all met.

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