chapter eight: stumbling

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wow this chapter was possibly the hardest to write, but i did it in one night! how does that work?!? anyway, i dont really know what else to say... authors notes are usually about notices... ooh! anyone read my other fanfic? yes? no? please read it, its only a short book, gonna be a couple chapters. theres another vid on the side>>>>>> just another twilight  dubstep vid (im starting to love dubstep!) anyway... all rights to stephenie meyer!!!

dannie xoxo

I woke up to another day; surrounded by wet green thickery, I'd been camping here for a few days. I was in the town of forks again, the last time I had been here was around two years ago. 

  I decided to get up early and go to town to pick up a few supplies- the rope I usually used for my clothing was frayed and threatened to snap into two; throwing my clothes into the river nearby. I also needed food. I was running low on decent ingredients for dinner.

I stepped out of the thicket of trees and squinted at the sky. It was still cloudy, yet looking at the sky still caused my eyes to automatically shield away from the suns well hidden rays. Almost as if the sun penetrated invisibly through the puffy white-grey clouds. But then again how would I know? I hadn't gone to school for two years. I could be legally graduating this year, how the hell was I supposed to get a job now? For two years I had lived off the money I had earned through busking, and the shiny credit card my father gave me.   

I reached a supermarket that was on the main road. I picked up a trolley from outside and went in. The store was quite large. There were aisles full of the one type of product. 

Grabbed the essentials: bread, milk, fruit, muesli bars, cereal, toilet paper (that was only if I couldn't find a public toilet.) some meat and two minute noodles. I grabbed a magazine and a packet of gum from the stand near the checkout. Luckily I hadn't seen any headlines of serial murders since the seattle attacks, which died down around June in 2006. I looked at the barcode in the corner of the magazine: 'April 2008' it said.   

When it was my turn to be served, I pretended to look busy looking at signs and notices hanging on the walls.   

"You live around here?" The man behind the counter asked. 

"No, just passing through." I replied softly.  "Um, what's today's date?" I added 

"April the third." He replied gruffly, "should you be here alone? How old are you?"  

What was with this guy? So nosy. I decided to do what I normally did, and lied. I was getting better at it. I started to actually believe my own pathetic excuses.  

"My parents are waiting for me down the road, they asked me to grab a few things," I gestured to my heavy load of groceries, "and my age really isn't any of your business sir. I shouldn't be talking to strangers." I said.  

The man crinkled his forehead when he realized I was right. 

"That'll be $36.95 cash or credit?" He asked. 

I handed him two twenty dollar notes. 

"Have a good day." 

"Thanks." I mumbled.     

Later that day was followed by a late lunch of two minute noodles, a scroll through my phones messages, I saw a message from Amelia. It was sent a week ago:

Mel, we've moved back to Italy. Where are you?   

I decided to not answer that one, not yet. I kept scrolling and found one from Danielle, one of the girls who took me in nearly two years ago.   

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