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Have you ever woken-up and wondered what ever happened to my life? How did things turned out like this? This is what happened to me. One day I realized that, despite having a great job, a house, amazing friends and everything else my heart really could desire, I was missing something or rather someone to share all of that with. There was no one for me to wake up next to, no one to fall asleep next to, no one to share my days with. I was alone despite being surrounded by friends and family.

My life for the past 5 years or so had been all about work, money and fun, nothing else. I went from one girl to the other without blinking, never letting things get serious. I traded quality time with family for a business trip, and nothing for me had ever more important than my work and my money. Now that I was reaching the end of my twenties, I had come to realize that my lifestyle might not have been the best, and that maybe, just maybe I had missed out on the real deal.

To most people it would seem that I did not care about love. My friends would probably say that I would rather die than make a commitment to someone. My best friend Sam joked about this all the time. He had gotten married to his college sweetheart pretty much right after we graduated and he often joked that no woman would never be able to tie me down. I must admit that there was a time when that was true, but not anymore, I was ready now to be someone's one and only, for good.

A little over five years ago, I lost someone I loved and I never really got over it, even if I tried, and believe me, I have tried I just couldn't. I was only a kid back then, in my early twenties and I was too foolish to understand what I was losing until it was too late. Through the years, the memories of her, of us, have been haunting me and there was no denying that my life would be far better with her in it.

Her name was Elle. She was my best friend, my confidante, and my lover for over 2 years. She knew more about me that I probably knew about myself, there were no secrets between us. To this day, I have not shared with anybody else that kind of intimacy, nor did I ever wanted to. We spent all our time together, she was my first and last thought of the day, and to be honest most days she still is. We were inseparable and our friends would always tease us about that. We liked the same music, went to the same clubs and we had a similar take on life, we were what people refer to as a "perfect match".

Elle was seen as one of the boys, but at the same time she was as girly as you could get, I know, weird, but she just was. She got along with everyone, always, I cannot even think of one person who disliked her. She knew what she wanted out of life from day one and there was no stopping her from getting it. There was this strength about her, but I cannot really describe it. I guess you have to know her to understand. She was and still is the woman of my dream, my unicorn if you want.

She was all I ever wanted and all I would ever need. I spent the better part of my life wondering what could have been. Now after, all these years, I have come to realize that I cannot be without her anymore, I have to tell her about my feelings, and I have to win her back, no matter what. It is time for me to take a chance and pour my heart out to her.

A/N Hi everyone, this is my first story on Wattpad and I look forward to sharing it with you! Your comments positive and negative are always welcome! Hope you enjoy this story as much as I enjoyed writing it!

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