Epilogue: 1 Year Later

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I couldn't believe it had been a year since David met Katie, so much had happened since then. They had loved each other right away and in no time at all they had formed such a strong bond that it was hard to imagine that they hadn't always known each other.

It was a big adjustment for everyone at first, and David and I took things slow, really slow. We talked every day and he came to visit every weekend, but it still took a month before he finally kissed me. I had just put Katie to bed and when I walked back out into the living room, he pulled me to him. His eyes were full of desire when he lowered his lips to mine kissing me as if his life depended on it. From that moment on, things moved a lot faster between us and soon after that, David asked us to move to Toronto with him. I took a leap of faith and packed our entire life and we moved. He had gone all out for me and Katie to feel right at home, from decorating her now room to stocking all of our favorite foods. He was so attentive to Katie's needs and my own, putting his dead last that I had a hard time recognizing the man that was once afraid to be in a committed relationship. For a while I feared that it wouldn't last and time and time again he proved me wrong, until I was sure that he was here to stay. Katie and I became his world and he became ours and my love for him only grew with time, so much that I couldn't even imagine my world without him.

Despite the love and happiness that we were feeling, it took a while for our families to come around to the idea of us being together again. His mother was especially upset when we told her about Katie, she couldn't believe that I had denied her the right to get to know her grand-daughter, and I couldn't blame her for being angry, I would have felt the same if I had been put in her situation. But regardless of how she felt about me, she put her feelings aside for Katie and still welcomed her with open arms and she now spends most of her time making up for lost time. David's dad was very welcoming and told me right away that his son had been a fool for once letting me go. Him and I get along great with each other and he's like a second father to me.

My dad much like David's mom was hesitant to welcome David. He had seen me at my lowest when the two of us were apart and he was there so many times when I broke down when the pain of raising a child alone became too much. My mom on the other hand embraced our relationship with open arms and she is so grateful that David and I are together again, raising our child. I know she is secretly hoping that we will have more kids real soon.

David and I try to spend time together just the two of us, away from the house at least once a month. It is not always easy and sometimes it is just a quick dinner or lunch but it's our time to talk and to regroup ourselves. Sometimes, like this weekend, we actually go on a little trip. This time we are in Montreal. David has booked us a room in one of the fanciest hotel in the city and has spared no expense to make this trip perfect, as always.

We were currently sitting in our favorite spot on campus, the one where everything changed, twice. Suddenly, David got up from his seat and I wasn't sure what he was doing. I watched him get down on one knee.

"David, what are you doing?" he pulled a small box out of his pocket.

"What I should have done a long time ago" he said opening the box. In it laid a beautiful princess cut diamond ring on a platinum band.

"Oh my God!" I couldn't believe he was doing this.

"Elle I want to wake up every day next to you, fall asleep with you in my arms and see our daughter grow up. I was a fool once for letting you go, but now that I've found you again, there is no way I'm letting you walk away from me. Elle will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" I couldn't believe that Mr. Fear of commitment was on his knee, asking me to marry him.

"Yes David, I will" the words escaped my mouth before I even realized it.

David got up and pulled me close to him.

"You have no idea how long I've been waiting for this" I knew what was coming and I could feel butterflies in the pit of my stomach as his lips neared mine.

When he finally kissed me, I felt complete, I was home, this was it for us, for me. When we finally pulled apart, I was beaming. David chuckled as he finally placed the gorgeous ring on my finger.

"I can't wait to marry you"

"And I can't wait to be your wife" I said pulling him in for another kiss.

Our relationship might never be the perfect one, but it was our own. I knew that no matter what life would throw at us, we would always love each other, always.

A/N Well this is it! Thank you so much for ready my story! I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. This is the end of the journey for Elle and David, but I'll be posting another story, completely unrelated soon. Stay tuned! 

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