Chapter 10: Building Back our Friendship

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It has been almost a month since Elle and I had sex and we still have not really talked. We did exchange a few "hi" and "hellos" when our paths crossed, but nothing really beyond that. Day in and day out, I stared at my phone waiting for a call or a text that simply never comes. My life was empty without her, meaningless. I longed to hear her voice, her laugh and those eyes of hers were haunting me in my sleep.

That Thursday night, I was sitting in my room, alone, listening to music. Ordinarily I would have been hanging out with Elle. She would have been making drinks and touching up her make-up, but not tonight, not since that night. I was lost in my thoughts when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID, it was Sam.

"Hey man, what's up? Are you coming out tonight?" I asked him before he could say anything.

Sam was quiet for a second I could hear him breathe as if he was searching for the right thing to say.

"Sam, are you there, are you alright?"

He took a deep breath before speaking

"I'm fine, but I have some bad news David"

He was starting to scare me, the seriousness in his voice was unusual for him. What could possibly be happening?

"What's wrong?"

He took another deep breath and finally he let it out.

"It's Elle, David"

I wondered about what he was about to tell me. Had she found someone new? Was she moving away?

"What do you mean? What's wrong with Elle?"

"Look I wish I had better news for you..."

I panicked instantly, and a million things went through my mind all at once, I feared for the worst.

"Tell me what's wrong with her!" I was getting impatient.

"I just heard that she was hit by a car 2 days ago on her way home from the library, but I don't have much more details about the accident itself."

It was if all at once my world came crashing down. Elle, my Elle, my best friend, my everything was hurt and I had no idea. Why was I only hearing about this now?

"How bad is it?" I said all chocked up, but there was no point in hiding the pain in my voice from Sam, he knew me too well.

"The doctors are hopeful, but she is in a rough shape. She has a broken arm and a few cuts and bruises, but what worries them is that she took a big hit to the head and as a result her brain is swollen, so they fear for brain damages. She has yet to wake up David..."

I stayed silent. All I could think of is that she had been at the hospital for days and I had no idea. I could not believe I had been so stupid. I should have been there for her, I should have held her hand and been there to tell her that everything was going to be alright. I should have, but I did not.

"David, are you okay, did you hear what I said?"

I was totally freaked out. I did not know what to do.

"Why did no one call me to let me know? I was always the first person she called when something was wrong and she was mine, so why did no one contact me before. I know that we are in an awkward phase at the moment, but we're still friends, she's still my best friend. I should at least have been given the chance to be there for her." I was almost shouting, tears filled my eyes, I couldn't hold them back anymore.

"Calm down man" but it was no use, I was too upset, too angry too sad to calm myself down.

"I care about her, probably more than I've ever cared about anybody else. She's so scared of hospitals, she should not be going through this alone. I should have been there to hold her hand all the way."

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