Chapter 11: More than Friends

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A/N: Beware, there is mature content at the end of the chapter!

A month after Elle's accident, things were completely back to normal. We had gone back to our old ways, spending all our free time enjoying each other's company. It was as if we had never had sex. I would go as far as saying that Elle's accident and everything else that happened had actually brought us closer and it was nice to be able to share everything again, just like old times.

As spring had grown closer, my family had returned from their winter get-away and my mom called to let me know that they would be visiting me in a week. This was great news since it had been a little while since we had seen each other, but I was also worried since my parents had pretty much demanded to meet Elle. Part of me really wanted them to meet her since she was the most important person in my life, but I still felt weird about introducing her to them. Elle and I had yet to establish what our relationship status was and I did not want my family to quiz her in a way that would make her feel uncomfortable.

My parents did not know the extent of our relationship and I was not sure if they thought we were dating or if we were just friends, but they knew that she was important to me. Every time I would talk to them I would inevitably talk about her, but I had never actually defined my relationship with her to them. Part of that had to do with the fact that I wasn't a 100% sure myself of where we stood. What should I say to them? 'Mom, dad, meet this gorgeous lady, we once slept together and it was awesome, but we did not talk for weeks because we both felt awkward about it, but now we are friends again, but I'm hoping that it might grow into something more, but I haven't asked her to be my girlfriend 'cause I don't do the whole girlfriend thing'? I could already hear the comments from my family 'Are you crazy, make a move already, she's perfect, you should be with her! What are you waiting for you idiot!?!?', but then again, they would probably be right. I knew that she was wonderful and beautiful. I knew that she would be perfect for me, but I was just not sure if she wanted to be with me in that way. Our friendship was so special and we almost ruined it the last time, so why should we take a chance again?

I should also confess that I have never introduced a girl to my family before. Not my prom date, not even a good friend, not that I have ever had many girl friends over the years, but still. Never! So this was a big step for me and not something that I took lightly. Knowing my mom, she would probably start planning the wedding and my dad would ask about her assets and the type of family she came from, just to make sure that she was worthy of being my wife. Even facing the prospect of the most dreadful and embarrassing questions, I still wanted them to meet Elle and for her to meet them. So, after debating with myself for a while, I got on the phone to talk to Elle about the potential upcoming meeting.

"Hey cutie"

"Hey you! I was just thinking about you! What's up?"

My heart swelled upon hearing that, and I wished I could tell her that she was all I thought about all the time.

"Not much. I was just wondering what you were up to next Thursday evening?"

"Well I assumed that we would be going out to the bar, but other than that nothing planned. Why?"

Good thing she was not in the room, because I was sweating profusely. 'Come on David, get a grip, you can do this!' I told myself.

"Well you see my family will be in town and they want to have dinner and I thought it would be a great opportunity for them to meet you." I nervously asked her. I waited for the pause and the gentle let down, but it didn't come

"Really. Sure that sounds great!" There was a sudden excitement in her voice which I was quite relieved to hear and I let go of a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Thank God she had agreed to come with me!

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