Chapter 2: Friendship Begins

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A few days after we saw each other at the bar, I ran into Elle on the street. It was an extremely cold day and she was wearing this big blue parka that made her eyes pop. She had the hood on, a big white scarf around her neck and her cheeks were bright red. Even bundled in a ton of fabric, she still looked gorgeous.

She waved at me and smiled as she saw me approaching and I crossed the street to say hi to her. She leaned in and kissed me on the cheeks.

"Hey Elle! How's it going?" I said, putting my hands back in my pocket, struggling to stay warm.

She flashes me a bright smile "Hi David! Pretty good, pretty good. How about yourself?" she asked.

"I couldn't be better!" I answered honestly. "So what are you up to today?

She pointed to her bags, I had not noticed them before.

"Not much, just running some errands, you?"


There was a pause for a moment. I did not know what to say without coming on too strongly. So nervously I said

"So I had a great time getting to know you the other night and I was wondering if you'd like to hang out again sometimes soon?"

I nervously waited for her to answer.

She gave me a sincere smile "that's sounds great." I was relieved. She went on "Actually, are you going to going to the engineering party on Friday? 'cause we could catch up then if you'd like."

I had not planned on going, these parties usually consisted of a bunch of guys hitting on the couple girls that had dared to attend. As a matter of fact I already had plans with other people for that night, but I was not about to miss a chance to hang out with her, so I just lied. I could always cancel my other plans later.

"Sure, I would not miss it! So I'll see you then I guess? 9:30ish?" I answered

She grinned "Great! I'll give you my number just in case we can't find each other."

I smiled, thinking there was no way I would not be able to spot her in that crowd "just hold on a sec let me just get my phone."

I reached into my pocket and grabbed my blackberry. I quickly went to my contact page and added her name.

"ok go"


"555-3119" I repeated "got it. Here is mine in case you need it"

I waited for her to grab her phone "555-7575"

She looked up at me a smile forming on her face. "Seriously, 555-7575?"

"yes" I answered seriously

Elle started laughing. She had such a great laugh, I could help but join her.

"Wow that's such a player's number!"

I gave her my best innocent look

"What? It's not that bad!" I said, knowing full well that one of the big reasons why I chose and paid the extra fee for the number was for that very reason.

"Sure" she said "whatever you have to tell to fall asleep at night! Did you actually pick it or was it random?"

"Well I chose it, but it was because I thought it would be easier for my parents to remember" I lied, wanting to make a good impression.

She grinned, obviously not really believing me. "Sure, for your parents to remember... Anyways, I gotta run, but I'll see you on Friday?" she asked with a touch of excitement in her voice. Maybe she was not immune to my charms after all.

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