Chapter 7: Blurred Lines

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"Tonight, you and I are going out" I told Elle. This was not a question or a suggestion, this was a demand. "You and me and no one else" I didn't want Paul there, I wanted it to be just the 2 of us like old time, just this once. "It's been forever since we've gone out, you owe me one! Plus it's the last party of the semester, so we're going" I said firmly. I was prepared to stand my ground on this one.

"Fine, you're right I've neglected you lately. I'll tell Paul I can't hang out with him tonight" I could tell that she was faking being annoyed with me and was secretly glad that I was 'forcing' her to go out, but regardless I was happy that I had won.

"Great do you want to stop by my place first to pre-drink?"

"Sounds great, I'll be there around 9 I guess"

"Perfect! I'll see you then"

"See you soon" and with that she hung up the phone.

I looked at the time, it was 2:05pm, plenty of time for me to get some alcohol, grab a couple of Elle's favorite snacks, to tidy up my place and get showered and ready. I quickly got busy and before I knew it, I was getting ready to put on my shirt when I heard the doorbell ring. 'Must be Elle' I thought to myself. Without bothering to put my shirt on, I opened the door.

Elle was standing there all bundled up in her winter coat. I couldn't quite place the look on her face at the moment.

"I'm so glad to see you!" I said, smiling at her before I pulled her in for a hug. I felt her tense in my arms.

"Are you okay?" I asked her worried for a moment that something might be up. We hadn't been alone in so long that I felt sort of out of touch with her.

"I'm fine sorry, I just spaced out for a moment" she admitted. "It's nice to see you too" at last she smiled brightly at me.

I walked to my room and put on the black button down shirt I had set aside for tonight. "What can I get you to drink?"

"Is that even a question?" she teased me.

"Vodka cranberry it is then" I said smirking at her. "So what have you been up to lately?" I asked while preparing my drink and hers.

"Not much really. School and hanging out with Paul mostly." Ah Paul, just the thought of them together made me want to punch something. I turned around to see that Elle had taken off her jacket. She looked so beautiful and sexy that I felt my jeans getting a little tighter. She was taking my breath away just standing there wearing a simple pair of jeans a v-neck sleeveless crop top. Her taunt stomach was in full display begging for me to run my fingers over it. Her brown hair fell in waves grazing the top of her breast. I had to force myself not to launch myself at her.

I got a hold of myself before I could finally say "Cheers" to her as I handed her the drink.

She smiled at me and it nearly made me weak in the knees.

"So are you excited about tonight?" I asked desperate to dissipate the tension I was feeling.

"Yes I can't wait, it's been too long since we hung out!"

"What did Paul say when you told him you would be hanging out with me tonight?" I knew he would not be pleased, hell if she were my girlfriend, I'm not sure I would ever let her out of my sight. Although he had been nothing but polite to me since he started dating Elle, the look in his eyes when he saw me told me that he saw me as a threat.

She made a face "Let's just say he wasn't exactly pleased" I knew it, I was right! "but he understood in the end I guess" she shrugged as if she didn't really care whether or not Paul was ok or not with us hanging out.

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