Chapter 4: Best Friends

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It had been several months since I had first spotted Elle at the bar and although we were just friends, things were going well between us. She had become a constant feature in my life, more than anybody else had ever managed to. There was not a day when we did not speak, texted, talked, emailed or saw each other. There was never any awkwardness between us, there was always something to talk about, make fun of or argue about.

We would go for coffee, to a scary movie (when she would pretend that she was not scared, but I knew better as she would nearly jump on my lap during the scary parts – not that I was complaining or anything), or to a concert. She would comment on what I would wear and would point out girls she thought I would be into (and she was always right). Spending time with her was always something I looked forward to. There was never a time when I thought I needed a break from her which was pretty unusual for me.

Everyone thought we were a couple and strangely it did not bother me. Typically, I never wanted anyone to think that I was in a relationship as it made it easier to pick up girls, but with Elle, it was different. I wanted to be with her so badly that I did not care if anyone thought that we were an item. As a matter of fact, it occurred to me one day that I did not even recall when was the last time I had tried to pick a girl up, let alone slept with one. And that too, did not bother me. It was as if being with her was fulfilling all my needs, at least for the moment. I could not lie to myself and pretend that I did not think about kissing her and touching her all the time. The fantasy of being with her intimately grew stronger with every week that passed. One quick sniff of her perfume was all I needed to imagine what it would be like to be with her and to hope that she felt the same about me.

One of my favorite thing to do with Elle was to go to a concert. We had the same musical taste so we were always each other's first choice of 'date' to attend any of them. We had gone to many together, anything from small indie bands to international stars. It was our thing.

One morning Elle showed up at my place unexpected. She seemed giddy with excitement as she entered my apartment.

"Guess what I have for you?" she almost teased me.

"I don't know, a hot girl?" I joked.

She gave me an unimpressed look and continued on with her story.

"Hahaha" she faked laughed and gave my chest a quick shove and I resisted pulling her closer to me. "That would not exactly fit in my back pocket!"

"I give up, what is it?"

"Tickets to our favorite band!" she screamed before proceeding to bounce around like a kid about to open his presents on Christmas morning.

My eyes widened in disbelief "No way, you got tickets to Coldplay!!?!" I was as giddy as her all the sudden.

"They are going to be in town next month and when I saw that the tickets were going on sale, I got us two amazing seats! I received them this morning" she said pulling the tickets out of her back pocket before handing them to me.

"No way!"

"Way, see for yourself. 2 tickets on the floor!"

She pointed to the tickets and sure enough they were two tickets in the standing zone by the stage. I lifted her up hugging her.

"You are unbelievable you know that?"

She gave me her best smile.

"So I've been told"


Weeks had passed since that morning and we were now standing in front of the arena to go see Coldplay. I could tell that Elle was beyond excited although she was desperately trying to play it cool. She had told me that she was not wearing her Coldplay t-shirt because she did not want to look like a groupie so instead she was wearing a white v-neck t-shirt a frayed jeans skirt and gold ballet slippers. She looked effortlessly amazing as per usual.

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