No Stars Tonight

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A pit of darkness
Has come over the Earth tonight
The stars give me guidance
But there's none in sight

Maybe I'm the only one
That notices the darkness cover the sky
It's closing in on me
And everyone else seems just fine

Maybe if I gaze a little longer
Try just a big harder
I'll see a star that can guide me
A little bit of hope
So I know there's something other than darkness
In this world of mine

But there's no light
No hope in sight
The darkness seems to have formed walls
And they seem to be closing in on me

The walls seem to be taking everything from me
The strength to fight for my life
The oxygen I need to breathe
The walls have formed a noose
That is strangling me

The eclipse has stopped
The stars have come
They came when I needed no guidance
And no reason to fight

The noose the darkness assembled
Brought me eternal darkness-


S/N- This is the first poem I've written that I've not hated. How is it? Make sure to vote and comment your thoughts!

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