The Contract

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We know you are in so much pain
And if you just sign here
We can make it go away

But did you think that was all
This contract's got a catch
We take a part of your life away
And no it's not painless

First we'll take away your lover
Because it'll become too toxic for them
It'll end up ripping your heart out
So you'll never be able love again
But don't worry
We'll give you something stronger
To mask the pain

Oh you thought that was free?
You're quite mistaken silly
We're gonna take away your best friend
You consider family
And that'll take away your vocal cords
So your left weeping in silence
And since we care so much
We'll give you something more deadly

As you can see
Nothing in this world is free
So we'll end up taking your beloved family
And that'll take your soul away
So you'll feel nothing every single day
You think we're cruel?
Isn't this what you wanted in the first place?

So take this pen
Filled with EVERYTHING you stand for
And sign if you insist
But just remember
This contract is a death wish-


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