The Room

30 7 7

In these four walls
Well maybe it's six
No I count eight!
I can't tell anymore
Everything seems to be spinning

I sit here wondering
Wondering exactly what is happening
Every time the room stops spinning
This man inches closer and closer in my direction

He seems like a kind old fellow
But as he gets closer the jolly old smile
Turns into a vile grin
He has a blade behind his back
That he might just slit my throat with

Wanting to scream
I stay completely still
As I watch him inch
Closer and closer

The man is almost before me
Oxygen becomes more scarce to find
My body is slowly growing cold and still
The man seems to be decaying
This is my future flashing before my eyes

As he stands before me
My vision goes completely black
Everything from then on is a distant memory
This room is a torture chamber
And his name is Death-


S/N- So anyone know anyone that can make a good looking cover?

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