Look Into My Eyes

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Look into my eyes and realize
This is a society I despise
They say they love you
But they care so little

They think if they fib just a little bit
They'll have you around they're
Pretty little finger
But you're trapped in their ugly web of lies.

Look into my eyes and see
The life society makes isn't a dream
Maybe you want it to be
But if you wake up with everything
You've ever wanted
Would you be happy

Look in to my eyes and notice
Looks seem to be this society's
Main focus
If you're seen as fat your life line
Might as well be flat
And if you're seen as too skinny
You too are considered disgusting

Look into my eyes and realize
This is a society I despise
With eyes so narrow
You'll look over at that fellow
And laugh at him
For his life falling apart-


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