Choke Me When I Shout

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Your hands are stained red
From all the souls you've killed
When they tried to speak
Against you

All the people that you
Burried into silence
Could kill you with one little flick
But you know they're too frightened
To let a war against you happen

I too was one of these victims
But I won't let the silence
Choke me any longer
I'm trying to repair my soul
From the damage you have caused

You're like a spider
You start your crime
By tangling your prey
In a big
Web of lies

You do this while
They're head over heels in love with you
But they realize you're
Sucking the life from their bodies
They never leave because
YOU tell them they CAN'T

You turn into a drug
An addict can't live without
And when you leave
The human beings you left are left in the dust

We were broken from the inside out
You left us breathless
Drowning in tears
Maybe we were breathless because your cowardly hands
We're gripped tightly around our throats
Because you didn't want anyone against you
We were your toys

Your cowardly hands scare me no longer
Your Venom no longer seeps
Through my veins
I'm no longer burried in the silence you put me under
I dug myself out
And I'm free-


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