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Chapter 1: Names.

She could only make out his shadow, as it was night fall. Neither one moved or said a thing. It was quiet enough that one could only hear the rustling of the trees every now and then. He didn't know what to do, he could feel the girl's gaze on him. So he moved forward and crouched in front of her, taking a cloth from his back pocket he put it on her head wound and backed up again, in that moment he decided to try and communicate with her.

"Chit laik yu doing hir?" he said in his mother tongue; Trigedasleng. It is a language only known by the clans. He could feel the girl's quizzical stare. He cursed under his breathe. It sounded like he said "Skrish.", but the girl wasn't to sure. He decided it would be best if they camped here for the night, so he built a fire, the flames warming up his cold hands. Looking over at the girl; she was staring at him with slightly wide eyes. He studied her appearance more closely, she had a dark completion and brown eyes from what he could see. Her hair seemed to be quite long, tied up. She was a beauty he had never seen. Yes, he had seen girls in his village before, but they were not as beautiful as the girl that was sitting in front of him.

He looked at her one more time before laying down and closing his eyes, letting his mind wonder as sleep took over. The girl watched him as he fell asleep, she could just run... but she didn't know where to go, so she decided to stay, oddly enough she felt safe with this stranger. So she too lay down and fell into a deep slumber.

                             • • •

The sun was covered by the dark clouds when he opened his eyes. He blinked his sleepiness away. He sat up looking over at the girl, who was still sleeping. He looked up at the sky, it was dark and gray, but it had yet to rain. He stood up and put the fire out, he looked down at the girl. They had to move fast it was day someone could see them, so he croched down next to her and gently shook her.

She mumbled something under her breathe, he shook her again. She opened her eyes slowly the light blinding her, she put her hand over her eyes as they adjusted to the light. She looked at him. She firgrued he was trying to tell her they had to move so she sat up slowly. She stood up and looked around properly since It was dark when she arrived. She looked up at the gray sky as she saw brids flying high in the sky, she looked at the trees as they swayed in the wind and how green the grass was yet how there was morning dew on it.

She took in a deep breath it was nothing she had ever seen before it was beautiful. She then looked at him, he had dark skin but it was still light. Brown hair and green eyes he looked around her age. She saw a scar on his cheek, she wondered how he got that. She wasn't going to lie he was gorgeous. The way the wind blow his hair. She quickly snapped out of it and walked towards the dropship.

He looked at her as she took in everything. He saw her look at the 'metal thing' yet he did not see her looking at him. he heard her cures something he couldn't hear but it sounded like English.

She walked towards the dropship and looked in the dropship trying to look for the raido she came down with. But it was gone it must of got lost dearing rentry, she cursed "shit." She didn't say anything else she just started walking towards the forest, she figured he would follow. He watched her walk off, he didn't know what to do other then follow her so that's what he did not before grabbing his spear. they were walking for hours it seemed, the gray clouds looked darker then before. They walked in silence both not sure what to say. They were strangers, she could of ran by now yet she stayed next to him. Walking besides him, every now and then she would glance at him.

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