Chapter : 16Octavia's POV:
It was early in the morning me and Indra were sparing, I swang my sword at Indra, but she side stepped me just in time. "Again." She shouted. I charged at her again.
But she drew her sword and my sword and hers clashed together making a clank sound. We had been training for hours it seemed.
She came at me again and I drew my sword running towords her and our swords clashed together again, but this time her sword fall from her hands, I picked it up. Now I had two swords. "Your getting better." She said as she took back her sword. "daun ste pleni gon today" She walked away from where we had been sparing.
I walked over to the water hole, getting some water. I walked back to the tree stump, setting down I started cleaning my sword, and sharpening it.
When I was just about finished, there was something going on, all the people were gathered around someone, I walked over to where they were. And when I got through all the people.
I saw Lincoln, he was standing there, he looked to be okay other then a few scratches and cuts. I walked up in front of him.
And wrapped my arms around him, "Your back." I said well hugging him. Pulling away from the hug, "did my brother get in?" I asked him.
"He got in okay." Lincoln said well looking me over to make sure I was okay. "Been training with Indra?" He asked me.
"Yeah, just finished actually." I told him.
"Well let's see how good you are." He walked over to where me and Indra were sparing earlier, got out his sword and gestured for me to come.
I walked over to him, and drew my sword as well. He was in front of me, he charged at me, but I stopped him with my sword hitting his.
He swang his sword at me, but I side stepped him, and used my sword agentst his, we went back and forth, swinging our swords, when finally I knocked his sword out of his hands.
It fell to the ground, I was panting slightly, putting my sword away. I walked up to Lincoln who was also panting. "You've gotten good." He told me with a small smile. "Better than you it seems." I replied back to him with a smirk. He just put his arm around me, and we were walking to our tent that we shared.
When Clarke came riding in with a horse, she got of the horse and walked towards the commander's tent. I looked at Lincoln confused as to why she was here."Come ona O, teik's go see chit's happening" Lincoln grabbed my hand in his, we also walked towards Asia's tent.
When we walked into the tent, Clarke was busy telling the commander something, "Clarke." I said, she turned around. "Octavia, Lincoln. It's good that your here, I was just telling the commander that the acid fog has been disabled. So we can March on mount weather and get our people back." Clarke responded.
"Is Bellamy okay?" I asked worried about him. "I didn't talk to him, he wasn't by the raido. But I'm sure his fine." Clarke replied looking just as worried as me.
"So when do we move?" Lincoln asked them both, "Tonight." Thay both said. "But we have to wait for Bellamy to give the signal to attack, Raven will contact you on the radio I gave you Octavia." Clarke added on "Get every warrior ready." The commander told Indra who was standing outside the tent, she noded and walked off.
"Octavia, Lincoln. You two will fight in the front." Me and Lincoln noded before we walked out the tent to get ready.
Raven's POV:
I was woken up by the static of the radio, it must of been early, I got up off the couch. And walked to the raido. "Hello?" I asked whoever was on the other side. "Raven. It's Bellamy, tell Clarke they can attack tonight." Bellamy said. "Will do, is Alec okay?" I asked worried. "Raven I'm fine." Alec's voice came through the raido, I sighed relieved. "Okay, Be careful." I told them both.
Walking back over to the couch, I picked up the other raido, and pushed down the button speaking into it. "Octavia, it's Raven. Bellamy says you can attack tonight. Do you copy?" I said through the raido. There was static before Octavia's voice could be heard on the other side. "I copy." Was all she said before the raido went static again.
Walking out of my work station, I had to get to Clakre. I wasn't missing this fight. So I got my horse ready. Took both the raidos. Climbed onto my horse. "Ron open the gate." I shouted to him, once the gate was open. I rode towards the Grounder village.
I had been riding for two hours, when I arrived there it was midday, everyone was getting ready for battle. Climbing of my horse and taking my bag with me, I walked to where I spotted Octavia and Lincoln, who were talking, "Octavia." I said. She turned around looking surprised that I was there. "Raven? What are you doing here?" She asked when I was in front of her. "I'm not missing out on this fight." I told her smirking slightly. She chuckled.
Just then Clarke came over to where we were standing, "Raven?, I thought you had to stay with the raido?" She asked. "I brought it with." I said to her. She noded "well I'm glad your here." She said with a small smile.
I noded back to her, "So do I get a sword or what?" I asked looking at Octavia. She took out a knife and handed it to me, I grined at her.
A knife is better then nothing, I thought. This battle was going to be tough. But I was going to make sure my people and Alec's were free. I wasn't going to give up easily, I was going to Gonplei, fight.
Trigedasleng translation for this Chapter :
"daun ste pleni gon today"
That's enough for today."Come ona O, teik's go see chit's happening"
Come on O, let's go see what's happening.
End of translation.
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Fight | X
FanficRaven. My name is Raven Rayes." She said in a quiet but strong voice. He liked her name, it suited her. "I'm Alecbenton Kom Trikru." He said to Raven. She turned to look at him with a confused look on her face. "Alecbenton? What a strange name." S...