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Chapter : 18

Bellamy's POV:

When I walked out of the dorm room, I turned the corner and made my way to the stairs. I figured they would keep our people on the lower level.

I walked down the stairs slowly, I got to the last step, there was a hallway. And a door right at the end of it, after checking to see if I was the only one down here. I walked towards the door.

It didn't have a pass code so I just pushed open the door, looking inside it was dark. I looked around for a light switch on the wall, my had touched something flicking the light switch up. The light was bright at first till my eyes adjusted, what I saw were cages with people inside, there were tubs coming our of there arms. For the blood obviously, I walked forward towards the cages, stepping in front of one there was a grounder girl in it.

The cage had a lock on it, I took out the knife that was on my belt loop, and tried to pire open the lock. After a few attempts I finally managed to break the lock open, when I pulled the cage open, the grounder girl inside, woke up. "I'm here to help." I told her, helping her out of the cage.

"What is your name?" She asked me, "Bellamy Blake kom skaikru, your people and my people are allies now." I told her handing her a knife so she could help get her people out of the cages.

I went the right side of the wall, where some of the delinquents were in cages. "Bellamy?" Some of them asked. "I'm going to get you out." I said to them working the locks.

Just then the door that I came through, opened I croched down, no one made a sound. A woman walked in, looked around, left again. "Quick get the rest out." I said to the grounder girl.

She noded and continued to open cages, I also helped. Once everyone was out, I turned to them. "Why are we helping the grounders!?" One of the delinquents whisper shouted.

"We're allies now, we work together. Otherwise we're not getting out of this mountain!" I also whisper shouted to them. Some noded, other's didn't look to happy.

"Come on." I gestured for them to follow me towords the door, the grounder girl was next to me, "What's your name?" I asked her, she looked about Octavia's age. "Alexa." She replied. I noded at her.

Once we were in the hallway, we walked up the stairs, Alexa went to make sure the cost was clear. She peried around the corner, looking both ways, before gesturing for us to come.

I lead them towords the dorm room, we got there with ease, I had a funny feeling, like it was to easy, I pushed it aside for the time being. Walking into the dorm room, everyone was there waiting.

"Bellamy your back." Miller came up to me, "You got everyone out." He added on looking at everyone behind me. I noded, I looked around for Alec.

He was sitting on one of the beds, he saw me and walked towards where I was standing. "Your back, Clarke was asking for you, she wants to know when they can attack." He told me.

At the motion of Clakre I was more interested about what he said, "Where's the radio?" I asked him, he took it out of his belt loop, and handed it to me.

I spoke into it, "This is Bellamy, is anyone there?" I asked, at first there was just static, then a voice came through, "Hello?" It was Raven that answered, trying not to sound disappointed that it wasn't Clarke I replied back.

"Raven. It's Bellamy, Tell Clarke they can attack tonight." I said to her. "Will do, is Alec okay? " Raven asked sounding worried about him.

"Raven I'm fine." Alec spoke into the radio as he was standing next to me. "Okay be careful." She responded, before static came on. She must of switched of her raido, I wondered how Clarke was doing.

Turning to Alec, "We have to get everyone ready to attack from inside. I said, he noded. I walked over to Alexa, "Can you get your people ready to attack from inside?" I asked.

"On it." She turned to talk to her people in there language. I walked over to one of the beds and sat down, I had to think of a plan on how to attack from inside.

Clarke's POV:

I walked out of the commander's tent, looking around for Octavia and Lincoln, they were standing and talking to someone. Walking over to them I saw that it was Raven they were talking to, curious as to why she was here and not back at the Ark.

"Raven?, I thought you had to stay with the raido?" I asked her when i arrived at where they were standing.

"I brought it with." She said, I noded "well I'm glad your here." I told her while giving her a small smile, I was glad that she was here. She then started talking to Octavia about getting a sword or something.

Everyone was getting ready for battle, I was about to walk to the tent that I was asinged to get ready aswell, when Raven turned to me before I walked away. "Clarke wait, here I thought maybe you wanted to talk to Bellamy." She said well holding out the raido to me, "Thanks I'll give it back when I'm done." I responded. She just noded and carried on talking to Octavia.

When I was in my tent, sitting on the makeshift bed. I held the raido in my hand, I wasn't sure if I should talk to Bellamy. We never really spoke about us, I didn't know what I was to him. And after Finn I just wasn't sure what my feelings towords Bellamy were, I was still getting over Finn and wasn't sure if Bellamy even felt the same way i did about him. That was the question, But did I want the answer.

Putting my doubts aside I pressed down on the button, speaking into the raido. "Bellamy?" I asked my voice quite, I let go of the button waiting for a reply, there was just static.

But then I heard his voice, I sighed in relief. I had missed his voice, even though it was not long ago that he was right here hugging me, "Clarke?" He asked. "It's me." I replied.

"I miss you princess." He said, sounding tired.

"Me too, how's everything going there?" I asked him.

"We're getting ready to attack from inside, but I have a weird feeling like it was to easy, it's probably nothing." He told me, sounding slightly worried.

"I'm sure everything will go like planned, and I'll see you soon." I said, just wanting to hug him.

"Yeah, look I have to go Princess, but I'll see you soon. Stay safe." He replied.

"Just be careful Bellamy." I said, "When am I not?" He replied, I swear you could hear the smirk in his voice.

"See you later." Was all I said as I let go of the button, and put the raido off.

I got ready for the battle, that was on it's way, walking out my tent. I spotted Raven, "Raven." I called.

She turned around to look at me, "Here's the raido back." I told her handing it over to her. "Thanks." She said, I just noded, before walking of to the commander's tent to see when we would be leaving. I just hoped everything would go as planned.

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