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Trey just told me he wants to love me but honestly I don't think I'm ready for that just yet.

"Trey can you be my bestfriend first? Can we continue to kick it like we been doing? I'm not ready just yet but I don't wanna lose you either. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't feel this way right now. Can we just take it slow for now Trey ?" My punk ass was crying like crazy, my feelings were everywhere.

"Anything for you, ma." He kissed my forehead.

Right then, I saw him in a different light. He wasn't just my trainer anymore, he was my new life. It's crazy how I started to look at him.

I had never paid attention to his 6'4 athletic frame. His pretty grayish greenish eyes. His beautiful, beautiful smile and that one dimple on his right cheek. His smooth caramel skin.. Damn. (Tre Melvin Look Alike) I guess I blocked it out because never had I thought he'd want me.


Me and mami decided to go doing for my new wardrobe getting that school started in a week. I was nervous but happy as hell. It felt good to be able to buy a size 15 in bottoms and 1x in tops.

Once at the mall we headed into forever21. We picked up one of everything in my size, paid for it, and headed on to the next store.

"Damn, Nuni. You are so spoiled, girl." My mami chuckled. We then looked back at Tito, our bodyguard, who was carrying all our bags, he looked pissed. Daddy's idea.

Me not paying any attention too what was in front of me, I bumped into someone damn near falling, he caught me. When I looked up I smiled. "Trey watch where you going, nigga!" He laughed hugging nee and kissing my cheek.

"Where you been,Lei? I miss you bestfriend." He was now frowning. I looked into his eyes. "I still don't know how to feel about it. I'm scared, Trey." Instead of saying anything, he kissed my lips. Of course I kissed him back, I mean who wouldn't?!

"Ahem" Mami cleared her throat. Ohh Shoot! I Lowkey forgot about her when Trey popped up. I broke the kiss.

"Nuni. Who is this gorgeous hunk of a man? Ipse respicit delectamentum (he looks delicious)!" she asked me with a smirk on her face.

"Eww!" I twisted my face.

"That your sister?" Trey asked curiously.

"Yes, Lorem(sexy). I'm her sister." She winked at him walking in from of me, practically pushing me out her way. I got mad, more like jealous.

"Really ma?" I walked back around her. "Trey this is my mother, Izabella. Mami, This is my "bestfriend" Trey." They shook hands and said hello.

"Well alright, ma. I gotta get going. I'm getting ready for my classes on Monday. I'll call you since you don't know how to call me." He kissed my check and walked off.

"Damn, he is cute, Nuni! Where'd you meet him?" My weird ass mom questioned me.

"That was Trey, my personal trainer who also wants to be my lover. He told me on my last dayy of working out that he wanted to love me and that even before I lost weight he thought I was beautiful. Then he kissed me. I like him, mami but I'm scared. So I've been avoiding him. I told him I needed time, that we could be bestfriends." We were now walking into Old Navy.

"Look, Nuni. Go for it! It's either now it never. You're young and beautiful and you deserve to be happy, baby. Go on, ante suus etiam nuper(before it's too late)." She said while picking up a long green and white striped tank dress handing it too me. "I like this." She smile.

"Fine! I'll tell him when he calls. Yeahh this is odee cute." I replied to her.

The rest of the time we bought out the mall all I kept thinking about was Trey's lips and his chiseled body and his innocent smile. Mmm. I smiled to myself as we drive home. I jotted in the shower and as soon as I hopped out, he was calling.

"Hello," I answered sweetly.

"Sup, Beautiful? What you up to?"

"Just getting out the shower. Probably gonna watch a few movies till I pass out."

"Or... you could come lay with me and we can watch each other till we pass out." He sounds so sexy when he said that! Damn!

"Uhh, sure. Gimme 2o and I'll be on my way. See you then." I hung up and started packing my overnight bag. When I was done I headed down the hall to my parents room, I knocked on the door, then let myself in.

"Mami, he wants me to spend the night with him. I'm nervous!" I blushed hopping on their big ass bedd. My mom shot up extra quick giving me a hand slap. She was happier than me.

" O Deus meus, quicum bella puella (omg pretty girl) ! This is great darling! Go have fun. But be out before your daddy comes home which is soon, I'll cover for you." She shouted then whispered like daddy could hear us.

"Okayy. I'm going to Tara's." I winked and headed down the stairs. I headed to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of Voss water and headed to my car.

On my way over I smiled from ear to ear happy as heck although my heart was doing backflips inside of me. Once I was in front of his place I looked into my compact mirror checking my face. Instead on my tired ponytail my hair was now laying down my back in full spiral curls. I had on my mac lipgloss with made my lips shine and my brows were arched perfectly. Damn .

I hopped out, grabbed my overnight bag and headed to his door. On the third knock he appeared at the door's threshold with a pair of black gym shorts and some high Jordan socks on, no shirt. I stared at him just as well as he stared at me.

"You looking good, ma." He flashed me his billion dollar smile as he let me in. He grabbed my bag slinging it over his shoulder then grabbed my hand with his free one pulling into his bedroom. His place was really nice and spacious.



"Lei don't be so shy, ma. I promise I'll never hurt you. Word is bond, girl," He lifted my face up with his index finger. "and you have mine." He kissed my lips and I could feel all the tension in my body let up. He sent waves of lust through my body that I had never felt before. Nonetheless, I loved the feeling.

One soft kissed led to a hardcore make out session. Being that Trey was the first guy I'd ever kissed, I followed his lead, which wasn't hard to do. Pulling back to catch my breath, I said "Trey, you know your the first person I've ever kissed, right." He looked me in my eye and said "And I would like to be your last." Then he pecked my lips. I melted. This is so crazy...

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