Chapter 7 * What are we gonna do!*

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"I'm so hungry Don!," Meryl said as her stomach was growling.

"Eat a dick," Don said as he laughed.

"Fuck it I'm gonna go look for food." Meryl stood up and walked away. Meryl went to look on the beach. Jessica noticed Meryl and ran up to her.

"Meryl, what are you doing?" Jess said.

"I need food Jess!"

Jessica laughed and started helping her.

They were walking across the beach when all the sudden they hear Danny and Don yelling for them. They found Danny and Don holding a very pregnant woman's hands.

"Umm what's going on?" Jess asked confused. The woman panted saying she was in labor. Jess started freaking out.

"What are we gonna do Danny?," Jessica asks frightened.

"We are gonna deliver the baby."

"There's two." The woman said breathing through the pain.

"Don, take off your shirt and take it and soak it with water and bring it back" Meryl says.

Don comes back with his shirt and hands it to Meryl and Meryl puts it on the woman's forehead. Danny held the woman's hand while Jessica and Meryl took over.
"Ok I'm gonna have to look under your dress to see if you're ready to push, ok?"

"Ok, just get them out!" She said in between breaths.
Meryl checks the woman and sees a head.

"Oh god she's crowning." Jessica said in shock.

"Ok, you're gonna have to push." The woman looked at her terrified and began grunting and pushing.

"Ok, stop to breath," Meryl said. about two seconds later she was pushing again.
"Ok, one last push and the baby will be out!"

The woman screamed, "I'm ripping apart." before she pushed one last time. The baby started crying and Meryl was smiling along with every one else.

"We need scissors!" Meryl shouted.

"I have a knife" Danny said.

"Make sure it's clean." Danny wipes off the knife and cuts the cord.
The woman started screaming again while Jess is wrapping up the baby with Danny's shirt.

"Danny grab another shirt for the next baby!" Jess said rocking the crying infant.

The woman began pushing and crying again after five long pushes the second baby came out and Jess wrapped it up too. They handed the woman the babies. The woman was passing out,but kisses the babies and says,
" I have diapers and clothes and everything in my bag near the plane please take care of my babies "
she said as she lost consciousness.

Meryl looked down and noticed the woman is bleeding out, so she takes her shorts off and puts it to the blood while she grabs Don's shirt and applies pressure to the woman, but realizes it too late.

"Oh god, what are we gonna do?" Meryl says looking to Jess.

Jess shrugs her shoulders grabs one of the babies while Meryl grabbed the other.

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