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Jessica was patiently waiting sipping her favorite Americano as she sat in their usual place, she tied her hair neatly in a bun with her shades on wearing a simple white shirt, ripped jeans, and red sneakers. She sighed inwardly when she already saw the person she was waiting for almost an hour; she was still as gorgeous as her, wearing her favorite red lipstick and one-piece tight lacy dress cuts above her knee. Tiffany settled herself across the already pissed ice princess, she ordered first her smooth cappuccino before they both got into their purpose conversations. The order arrived quickly and finally, Jessica breaks the pregnant silence while Tiffany sipped her sweet beverage easing an intense stare since they were both nervous.

"Look, let's stop beating around the bush here since we both knew and Taeyeon that there was something between us and I'm also aware of your relationship with him so you may know what's bothering me this past few days." Jessica thought that it was better to let Tiffany know everything especially her revelations.

"Go on," Tiffany said coldly giving Jessica a strong glare while still sipping her already cold coffee.

"I'm two weeks pregnant with Taeyeon's child." Tiffany was shocked by her former lover's unexpected revelation.


Drinking whiskey in the late afternoon, Taeyeon having a hard time digesting how he impregnated his fiance that it wasn't according to his plan, he was being reckless over sex that he didn't control himself fucking around two women at a time and the worst was they have a complicated relationship towards each other and he was so fucked up and lost right now. He threw his back on his couch drinking another shot of whiskey when suddenly his other lover appeared behind his door, Jessica was beyond happy to announce her pregnancy.

"Is there something urgent that made you come here?" Taeyeon wasn't expecting any visitors for today since he clear all his schedules. Putting a finger on his lips he was shut by Jessica to let her spoke first, he preferred to be quiet for a while since it was something serious by the way his lover behave today.

"We were expecting a baby soon, Tae!" Jessica exclaimed before straddled into Taeyeon's lap engulfing him into her embrace but the froze midget didn't reciprocate the affection since he was having another mental breakdown.

"ANDWAE!" Taeyeon pushed Jessica away from him and get on his feet leaving the confused Jung on the floor.

"Abort the child or else I will be the one who will do it!" Taeyeon threatened before he disappeared behind the doors. Jessica crying when she heard what her heartless lover wants for their unborn child.

After a few days of craving from her delight, Tiffany slowly gaining weight due to her unstoppable digging into a variety of foods with her shikshin bestfriend, Sooyoung. Mostly, her bestfriend always accompany her for a weekly check-up and mistakenly addressing him as her husband.

"Where's your asshole fiancee?" Sooyoung scoffed.

"Maybe doing some business stuffs since I didn't see him around for almost a week now." Tiffany scooping some strawberry ice cream from her bestfriend's cup made Sooyoung glared at her.

"I never thought that both of you were impregnated by him and you said that you does not seem interested in getting fucked by him seriously." Sooyoung knocked some sense into his stubborn bisexual bestfriend knowing that she was into girls and not in another way around.

"You're going overboard there Mr. Choi Sooyoung just stop pestering me and do your own business!" Tiffany retorted before checking her phone hoping that Jessica will text her for a talk but she didn't.

"As you wish Ms. Hwang!"


"Stop pushing yourself into limit Mr. Kim you know that you need to take a rest and I will handle the other things to be done for now, araesso?" Sunny, her secretary begged for him to let himself rest for a while since he was drowning in his fucking workloads to forget his problems over Jessica and Tiffany's unwanted pregnancy bearing his child with them.

"I'm definitely fine and just do your own thing there and simply leave me alone." Taeyeon being a pighead only wants some loosen up a bit since he was too occupied with problems between business and women. Fuck his life!

"At least drink this herbal tea for your own health." Sunny offered a cup before leaving it on his messy table.


"Do I need to call Tiffany or Jessica? Gosh, do I have to or not?" Taeyeon playing dumb on his own whether he will check on them or not at all but only he felt guilty.


Taeyeon startled by his own phone ringing before he could make a call. Seeing it was from Tiffany he quickly took it.

"Can you accompany me this coming Friday for my weekly check-up? Sooyoung has something to do on that day, can you?" Tiffany asked but unsure if she wants to persuade him or it didn't affect him at all.

"Okay just tell me the time you want me to pick you up." Taeyeon replied nonchalantly.

"Got it! I will text you the time later!"

"Araesso!" Tiffany hanged up after he responds and makes a call to Jessica, a few rings were done and the latter already answered his call immediately.

"H-Hello? J-Jessica Jung speaking, how may I help you?" Jessica spoke above a long pause while Taeyeon smirking on the line.

"Hi, this is Kim Taeyeon of Kim Corporation - Jeollado Branch, can I pick you up tomorrow for your weekly check-up so our child having accompanied by his or her father and mother?" Taeyeon joked after he mentioned abortion to Jessica he felt guilty over the latter as his father knocking some sense on him when they recently having small talk after their business meeting. He realizes that a child's existence was truly a blessing for all of the parents and building your own family was precious.


"Yah! Jessica-ah?" Taeyeon yelled when he didn't get any response from the other line but what could she do when you're too much happy knowing that your child's father already appreciates his/her existence.

"O-Oh, sorry I was too overwhelmed. Thank you, Taeyeon you don't know how happy I am now." Jessica was too grateful that Taeyeon accepted their child and let her accompany her into a weekly check-up. She was crying all night after what he said as she almost attempts to abort her own child but her conscience didn't tell her so and it's sound absurd.

"Pick me up at 8 am tomorrow I'll be waiting," Jessica said with enthusiasm much to Taeyeon's relief before they both hanged up.

"I love you bye!" Jessica surprise him leaving such sweet words he didn't expect much after all she already hanged up and he acknowledges how Jessica still love him over those years bygone but his revenge was yet to come.


To be continued.


A/N: I realized something that I'm making it a JeTi fanfic instead of TaeNy or TaengSic and obviously Taeyeon could turn into a psychopathic antagonist here just like how the plot describes him. Geez, it was my first time writing JeTi fanfic ever, and guess it wasn't bad. Thanks guys! Let's reached for 1K before I update my other on-going stories.

With Love,


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