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The two excited soon-to-be parents were waiting patiently for their turn as they almost felt forever on the line. They saw many happy couples and they felt envious of them since their relationship was still a little rough and complicated, guilt finally hits them. Taeyeon saw how sad Jessica glancing at the couple around them and some passing through in front of them after they went outside from where the ob-gyne was in, he gently grabbed her hand and puts into his, giving a soft squeeze for comfort, he felt undying guilt over her since all of this was a revenge for betraying and cheating on him behind his back. Jessica looked over him with her loving eyes that no one could resist even her former lover, Tiffany Hwang, somehow she misses her so much but unfortunately falling for Taeyeon's evil trap slowly without their knowledge. She smiles and squeezes back his hand making the man smile as well until their turn finally come as they heard a nurse calling out for their number and names, they quickly entered the room with smiles greeting both of them. The doctor gestured them to take a sit before the check-up, he asked simple questions related to her pregnancy phase and what did she felt for a few weeks also her food monitoring. Jessica answered them with all ease before the doctor prepared her types of equipment for body checking and gestured her to follow inside, Taeyeon sighed in relief knowing their child was in good condition but what's bothering was his situation impregnating two different women at the same time how would he faces their father regarding that matter.


"Hello?" Taeyeon picked up the phone confused about who the caller is.

"Tae..?" Taeyeon heard his fiancé on the other line and he glances behind to see of Jessica was finished but to his favor, she was still inside so he decided to step outside to answer the call clearly without worrying about Jessica.

"Hey? Fany-ah? Sup?" He jokingly asked to make Tiffany annoyed but still continue their conversation.

"Pick me up now at our home because there was a sudden change of schedule I wouldn't make it on the day I said to you, my father calls me up for a meeting," Tiffany explained much to his dismay but he couldn't back it up when she means it.

"O-Okay but I have to finish my work before I picked you up, araesso?" Taeyeon bargains with her so he could have enough time for Jessica knowing that both women were too stubborn for his liking.

"Okay." Tiffany answered nonchalantly before hanging up but when he shifted his head he saw Tiffany standing right in front of him with an unreadable expression on her face. Taeyeon was too shocked to utter a word he was just freezing on his spot while watching his fiance turned her back on him before slowly disappeared from his sight.

"Taengoo?" Jessica yelled from inside making Taeyeon get back to his senses. He was battling whether he will get Tiffany back or he would rather stay with Jessica but he had a child on both of them or he would go with his evil plan of revenge.

"Look Sica I really have to go now, my secretary had been looking for me for an urgent meeting right now, mianhe." Taeyeon lied holding Jessica's both hands to soothe her that the latter gladly buying his lame lies before he jogged his way to follow Tiffany.

Taeyeon driving his way faster to his and Tiffany's shared apartment when he saw a familiar pink car ahead knowing that it was hers he tried to cope up with the speed that soon finally reached the car seeing Tiffany driving faster than her usual speed she was aware of Taeyeon's presence so she didn't let her speed beaten by him. They were like racing to each other until a wheeler truck unknowingly in front of them, they both crashed with it leaving into a huge accident causing chaos with people passes by.

"Fuck!" Taeyeon cursed that he was stuck in his car seeing his blood oozing from his body. He wanted to get out from his complicated position inside but to no avail, he stayed like that waiting for the ambulance to arrive, he saw Tiffany on the other side lying on the ground covered with blood, he knew he wanted to reach her but he couldn't. The latter slowly moved her hand to feel her blooded forehead but her body was sore and aching due to the accident, she felt numb on the half of her body.

"F-Fany? I-I'm h-here behind you!" Taeyeon shouted that immediately heard by that person but failed to move her aching body, she hardly tried but she was more worried about her unborn child.

"Y-You f-fucking asshole!" Tiffany yelled back with a curse made the other presence chuckled.

"If something bad happens with my child I would definitely hunt you down bastard!" Tiffany again fights back make Taeyeon broke his laugh and started to worried about it, he tried to pull himself out from where he was stucked and again he was failed when finally the rescue team arrived.


Jessica changing channels from time to time since there was no interesting on her television until news about awhile ago appeared and she saw Taeyeon and Tiffany on the accident, she was jumped off from the couch and picked up her keys on the side table and grabbed her jacket to drive her way to the hospital, she was worried for the both of them, she still has the heart to be worried at her both lover. When she reached her car she quickly stepped at the pedal making sure her speed was still moderate and not too fast to avoid an accident.

"Where's the room of the two-person who caught in an accident a while ago at the Seoul intersection?" Jessica asked the hospital receptionist and telling her the details that there were still in the emergency room by now so she hurriedly runs from where the two were.

"Please be safe." Jessica prayed silently.

To be continued.





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