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With a heavy heart, Tiffany run out of the airport immediately after she got arrived from California, she took 8 hours and booked a rush flight paying double the regular fee but after she received a call from a random guy telling about Jessica being kidnapped; she snapped out and quickly informed her personal secretary to book her a flight as soon as possible without a second thought. Now, she was riding on her black Pajero and tracked the place where her former located; she was given an instruction same with Taeyeon received from Sooyoung but they don't have a clue that he was behind the crime. She was praying hard that Jessica was safe even though deep inside she was in pain that the latter will be married to her former fiance today. She shrugged off the thoughts as her mind was thinking of her. She called police to be her back-up when an unexpected scenario occurred; she had the same message that Taeyeon received; she had her personal gun with her in case of an emergency.


Taeyeon was now losing his patience from where Jessica was taken by the culprit since he wasn't familiar with the secluded place until someone familiar caught his attention. He was sure that it was Tiffany who disguised with her black coat and a gun with her followed by her own personal bodyguard, he hides behind a tree not too far from them as they trying hard not too noticed by the people that he was aware that they were the culprit's men. He waited for the right time to attacked them and fired them as well since there was Tiffany who was also taking her time to study the surroundings, definitely planning something to distract their attention and finally entered the warehouse and freed Jessica from the mastermind.

Taeyeon's phone rang loudly that noticed by everyone, he felt nervous and fished out the thing from his pocket and saw that it was his father who was calling but unfortunately the black men were already aware of their presence so they fired their guns towards the intruder and the firing was set between Sooyoung's men and Tiffany's. Taeyeon took the opportunity to enter the warehouse without noticing him as he followed Tiffany behind while holding their guns and some men were there to fired them, they both hide in a safe place where they couldn't reach the bullets. The former fiance noticed Taeyeon's presence as they were both hidden at the same place nearly touched each other face, Tiffany pulled away first before she takes back her attention to their targets. He signaled her and the latter caught the gesture quickly as they both separates to get out from their cover and fired back the black men that shot one by one by their professional skills handling weapons as they both studied at the same training school when they were still together. They stared at each other before they swiftly made their way silently from where Jessica was since they were both wearing black they were unnoticeable by the men.

"Do you have an idea who was behind this?" Taeyeon asked the woman who frowned immediately after he heard him as they still searching at the right place as the firing was still heard from the outside.

"As if I know?" Tiffany answered annoyingly at the man who also pissed at the way she talked back.

"I was asking nicely but I received an annoying word from you? What a rude woman! Manners?" Taeyeon fired back and they keep on pissing each other until Sooyoung appeared in front of them also holding a gun but he has an idea to tricked both of them and played along with their stupidity.

"Hey! What are you both doing here? I was being called by Jessica on the phone that she was captured." Sooyoung asked as he fakes his acting but it was now or never since he had an opportunity to them, the two figure stopped their bickering and staring at the tall guy who wears a fake appearance infront of them. They were surprised at how he got in there but thinking that Sooyoung also received the same message as them, they both giving each other a what-do-we-do look before Taeyeon nod and gestured her to follow behind, he had an instinct that the guy couldn't be trusted since before but he was Tiffany's bestfriend and also his trusted employee for almost 3 years but chose to also play along with him.

"We also received a call." Taeyeon lied so that he could be caught his tongue, Tiffany who was clueless but she received a slightly squeezed from the man beside him trying to convey something that they had to uncover.

"Oh, is that so? I guess we have the same purpose here, right?" Sooyoung said giving them a satisfying looked but both of them noticed that he lied since they've got a text message, not a call so Tiffany tamed him just to lead the both of them to where Jessica was. Step by step, they were very careful not to be bothered Sooyoung on his way towards their target, as the culprit finally halts infront of a door located on the deep part of the secluded warehouse in the middle of a dark forest. Taeyeon shifted his gun making sure that it wouldn't be noticed by Sooyoung who was still facing his back against the two of them, Tiffany who had her gun rested on her hands pointing towards the culprit's head.

"Do both of you wants to play a little game?" The smirking Sooyoung said while still froze on his spot waiting for the right timing to tackled Tiffany to be his victim against Taeyeon since she was the nearest target behind him. He counted from 1 to 10 while his peripheral view was attentively looking at Taeyeon's movement, just a snap Sooyoung grabbed Tiffany's neck to engulfed him to his arms taking her as a hostage pointing a sharp edge of a knife to her. Taeyeon froze as he pointed a gun infront of them but unable to shoot since Tiffany might take the bullet with her instead of the real culprit, they entered the room where Jessica was startled by them and questioned look towards them.

"Release her or I will shoot your brain off to your head Soo!" Taeyeon yelled pointing his gun into them but Sooyoung covered himself with Tiffany and Jessica who were now staring at each other waiting for their time to tricked Sooyoung.

"Oh yeah? Try me then or I will shoot your kid over there." Sooyoung said while pointing his gun to Jessica's direction but still his knife at Tiffany's. Taeyeon gritted his teeth holding tightly with the gun, he couldn't pull the trigger, or else two head will be blown.

"Taengoo?" Jessica awaken by the sound as her pair of eyes met Taeyeon's, she also saw Tiffany held as a captive by Sooyoung.

"S-Sica?" Taeyeon who was still unmoved was on the verge of crying as he doesn't have any option to save both of them.

"Put down the gun!" One of the police yelled behind Sooyoung as a group of them barging inside without them noticing. As a result of his shocked, Tiffany had kicked him on the stomach made him groaned she was finally released before Taeyeon shoot him on his knee and left shoulder, Jessica gasped when she saw oozing blood from Sooyoung. She has been released by Tiffany followed by Taeyeon behind so they could be on the police side leaving the culprit behind but unfortunately, Sooyoung had his gun and shoot to one of them as the police also fired back led him to death.


"S-Sica? Andwae!" Taeyeon's eyes widen when he saw Jessica embraces him from the bullet to save him from the stray bullet made by Sooyoung. She was shot on her chest near its heart as Tiffany was saved too since Jessica covered them both. Taeyeon holds the weak latter as he cried hard, his black tuxedo was already soaked by his fiancee's crimson blood.

"Tae? R-Remember t-that you g-got my back...I l-love y-you as well as Fany...I-I a-lso love her too...Taeng j-just s-save our c-child p- please!-" Jessica pleaded as her blood was still oozing before she slowly shut down her eyes while Taeyeon carried her in bridal style as she also soaked by her own blood still wearing her white wedding gown. Tiffany who was also crying behind followed them inside the ambulance as the medics and policemen were already gathered and investigating the crime scenes.

"S-Sica just hold on! Remember it's our wedding and today we will build our own family and start a new chapter of our life as a married couple, right? Don't leave me please!" Taeyeon begged between his sobbed as he held Jessica's cold hand tightly as the medics trying to retrieve her since there's 50% of chances to save both mother and child. Tiffany who was kept mute beside him still praying silently as she was witnessing how her former lover was fighting between death and life, she was embracing Taeyeon sideways.

"Hush, Tae I'm here." Tiffany finally spoke while her eyes closed.


To be continued.


A/N: Much awaited last chapter will be followed so keep on supporting.

With Love,


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