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After getting discharged from the hospital after a few weeks, Tiffany took vacation due to depression after miscarrying her child, she felt anger towards Taeyeon but the evil lad just shrugged and doing his businesses outside the country leaving Jessica under his father's company. The old Kim was too grateful yet excited for his first grandchild but felt pity and remorseful over Tiffany, he understood the poor woman shaken by unbearable truth leading her to a mental breakdown.

"Jessica, you want something to eat for today I wouldn't take no for an answer." Mr. Kim asked the pregnant woman sitting across from him while reading magazines about fashion as she stopped for a while to be looked over the old man and let out a shy smile.

"Chocomint ice cream wilk do appa." Jessica said happily while clasping her hands together made the older Kim chuckled and heading out from the room they both use to hanging out Taeyeon's office.

"Chocomint comin' right up!"


Hwang family welcomes the young member Tiffany when she arrived awhile ago from Seoul. Chatting them was her first thing to do since they weren't kept in touch for a long time, her brother and sister already married while her father having a new girlfriend after her mother died twenty years ago. Tiffany was playing with her niece and nephews killing some of her time but only sadness keeps on repeating everytime she played with time while every night she frequently having nightmares about miscarriage. She slowly losing appetite made Mr. Hwang worried about, no one could make her daughter persuade her to eat food, and always locking herself inside her room without having a proper meal. After weeks of stay, surprisingly Jessica visited without Taeyeon and Mr. Kim's consent, she sneakily escaped the mansion with her 2-month-old baby bump, Mr. Hwang was surprised but glaldy welcomes the former lover without his knowledge as he knew that she was Tiffany's bestfriend. She knocked on the door but the young Hwang didn't respond so she took courage to open her door and stepped inside, she knew that Tiffany called off the wedding and both parties respect her decision but later on Jessica took her place again as she was hailed as the new fiancee of Kim Taeyeon, the former lover was truly aware of it as she was invited by the evil midget not too long ago.

"You're almost losing a pound babe." That's all Jessica asked after a long time since they break up still unaware of Taeyeon's true motive. She caressed her hair as she used to do when they're still together and now Jessica only sees her as a bestfriend since she developed her feelings again with Taeyeon and she was too happy that she was back being her fiancee again.

"Oh, how sweet of you Jessica." Tiffany remarks sarcastically giving a long deep sighed from the traitor lover taking her place but rather choose it than being with the evil one. Jessica slowly leaned forward making a small gap between, she kisses her eyes, nose and gently places a soft yet passionate kiss against Tiffany's plump lips leaving painful memories only, the younger pushes her away but not too hard.

"I will be leaving now." Jessica said painfully but Tiffany holding her wrist and made her stay for awhile.

"Just stay for a night, I'm not the bad one here so I let you rest for awhile I know the feeling of being jet lagged, we have a spare room across mine." Tiffany offered made her formwr lover happy.

"Do you mind if I share the bed with you here? You know I wouldn't mind after all just like before." Jessica teased made Tiffany felt butterfly on her stomach but she agreed immediately as she misses her warmth too.

"Sure? You might regret sharing with me." Sounds offended but Tiffany doesn't refer to what Jessica was thinking of betraying her for Taeyeon, it was another way around.

"Yes, no touching butt, okay?" They both chuckled missing each other's company so Jessica stayed for a night.


"How could you let Jessica go without informing me? Are all of you really out of your sane mind especially you Appa?" Taeyeon keeps on shouting here and there when her fiancee was still nowhere to be found. He was away for a week and yet he wasn't informed about Jessiva leaving, he knew that the latter will be looking for Tiffany and that's what he avoided off, he decided to call Krystal to confirmed.

"H-Hello?" Krystal asked over the other line.

"Is your sister there? I couldn't contact her after I arrived at the house not long ago." Taeyeon casually said hoping that Jessica will be there.

"Yes, she was still sleeping and she said that you didn't need to picked her up since I will drive her there tomorrow, oppa." Krystal sure to be a spy someday since she could create a perfect lies that everyone could buy.

"Is that so? Just let me picked her up tonight so wait for me over there!" Taeyeon hanged up leaving a panicked Krystal she didn't expect it coming so she turned on her laptop hoping that Jessica was online.

"Just turned your fucking phone and be online!" Krystal speaking with her laptop with anger and fear since Taeyeon will arrive at their place tonight looking for her for she herself didn't know where the hell Jessica was.

Taeyeon was driving happily to Jung's mansion, he stopped by to a convenience store buying some snacks for him, a gummy worms will do. He was aware that the head of Jung's were out of the country and only the daughter's left, he was humming a song when an accident cause a traffic jam, he slammed his hands against the steering wheel since he was caught on the traffic, frustrated it might be but he couldn't do anything with it and wait when the accident where cleared.

"Krystal? Are you there?" Taeyeon was already at Jung's mansion where he was welcome by maids and butlers, not too familiar with the home, he looked over each of the room hoping he could see Jessica inside. Krystal was aware but still kept hidden from her room and she heard Taeyeon's voice looking for them something like they're playing hide and seek and the man was playing a psychopathic killer.

"Don't make Taeyeon mad, my dear? You will totally regret it!" Taeyeon said while smirking he opened the door one by one but just to find them empty, he was pissed yet he enjoyed playing their little game. Krystal was shaking out of her fear though she was entitled as the 2nd ice princess but hell she was cold as ice now due to nervous and fear, she heard the doorknob turned slowly and slowly opening, she felt her heartbeat skipped a bit.

"Jessica, where are you?" Taeyeon finally entered the room where Krystal was hiding professionally but trembling in fear. The steps were getting nearer to Krystal as the younger girl prayed silently wishing she wouldn't find by him.


"AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!" Taeyeon covered his both ears as he felt pity with it when Krystal let out a high pitched dolphin scream same as her sister, she punches straight his face making his nose bleed.

"Yah? What happened here?" Just right on cue Jessica appeared from nowhere save Krystal as she was quickly embrace by her little sister, Taeyeon was still recovering as he curses the fucking scream.

"I was here to picked you up, missy? Problem with that?" Taeyeon was pissed off and leaving both of them behind without words.

"I save you this time, sissy!" Jessica kisses her little sister's forehead before winking at her, thankfully she read Krystal's message because of Tiffany since the former lover knew her account as well as passwords since they're sharing the same up until now, she followed him leaving Krystal at ease.

To be continued.


A/N: Hot summer guys! Halo-Halo will do. Nice.

With Love,


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