Fresh New Start

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She was walking on the hallway to find where the principal's office was until she bumped into a tall dark good-looking guy. Tiffany groaned when she felt a sharp pain on her butt as her things were scattered on the ground, the tall guy helped her out and gathered all her things. The tall guy was mesmerized by her charm as they we're staring at each other but for Miyoung it was nothing and empty because she already married and flirting to other was wrong.

"S-Sorry, Miss. Ahm, your face wasn't familiar, are you a new student here?" The tall guy curiously asked Miyoung that she answered him politely.

"Yes and I'm kinda lost since I was looking for the principal's office." Miyoung answered.

"If you don't I will lead you to the principal's office since the class was getting started after 20 minutes." The tall guy offered that Miyoung gladly took it.

After a few minutes of walking they arrived at the place and saw the principal talking with a new gorgeous professor. They greeted them first as they entered the office and the principal spoke sweetly to them after they sitted on the couch. The tall guy smiling at her whenever they caught staring at each other unintentionally and Miyoung felt awkward because of him so she took some space and focuswd her attention to the professor who was sweet talking to the principal.

"Ms. Jung I'm very much pleased at your own records as a professor and seems we will have a good deal after this so you can take your first class now for a fresh start and we we're all welcome you here on behalf of my colleagues." Ms. Seo Juhyun sweetly said after they've got their conversation cut.

"Thank you Ms. Seo for your good acknowledgement and I will do my best to discipline and teach our students a GMRC." The gorgeous Ms. Jessica Jung response with a big smile as they shaking their hands together for closing a deal.

"See you later Ms. Jung."

"Okay, I see you later too Ms. Seo and I will take my leave now." Jessica Jung bowed politely before she heading out from her office.

"Good morning Seohyun-ah, we have a new beautiful student here." Sooyoung spoke to his cousin that watching them from afar as he took Miyoung's hand into his making the latter more nervous since she was uncomfortable with a sudden skinship initiated by a stranger and knowing that her husband will dislike it. She yanked his hand away from her make Seohyun laughed with how the innocent girl reacted by her cousin's sneakiness.

"Oh, sorry about that I was too excited having another pretty students here so I deeply apologize to my behavior." Sooyoung scratching his non-itchy neck awkwardly but seems Miyoung was a little bit guilt from what she have done so she apologizes back too. Seohyun laughed more at them holding her stomach without realizing that she was the principal.


SooFany were entered their respective class under Ms. Jessica Jung as their new professor every students especially boys were checking her out with their ugly looking stare until Sooyoung stares at them with a very intense look that made the boys scared. He was the famous gangster on the campus and nothing could lay a finger on him since his family was the owner of the school as well, he was very gentleman, handsome and polite kid in town that you couldn't imagine that he was on a gang. He respect girls as well but a little bit player on his own that he always changing his girl twice a month and his recent girlfriend was none other than Lee Sunkyu, the queenka of the campus she was very popular at her gorgeousness and aegyo and she had a cousin named Im Yoona who was in a relationship with Kwon Yuri also a gangster and also Sooyoung's buddy.

"Oh, seems like we also have a new student here. Come here and please introduce yourself for us, Miss." Ms. Jung asked and with a shy Miyoung she stood infront shyly.

"I'm Miyoung K— Hwang, nice to meet and I hope we will be good friends." Miyoung bowed awkwardly making the boys awe at her cuteness and charm. Sooyoung who already falling deeply with her.

"Both of you please be seated so we could our first lesson." They both sitted beside each other before Ms. Jung wrote something on the whiteboard. The class listening at her attentively while Sooyoung was looking at her if he had a chance.

When the class ended well today, all of the students were packing all of their things to go home after a long tiring day and Miyoung was aware that her husband will pick her up today so she quickly packing her things neatly inside her bag and went outside the classroom as Sooyoung secretly followed her. He saw an old looking guy waiting outside the school gate with a big smile at his face so Sooyoung assumes that it was Miyoung's uncle so he approached them and gave a polite introduction of himself but Taeyeon didn't like him taking advantage with his own wife as he was too possessive and protective over something he owns.

"We we're going home now Mr. Choi." Taeyeon politely said with the youngster who was staring lovingly at his wife so he let his arms encircled into Miyoung's shoulder showing possession over her as the young girl likes it alot so she only smiles at him with a loving eyesmile.

"Goodbye then Mr. Kim and you too Miyoung see you tomorrow." Sooyiung happily waves at them only to receives a cold glare from the husband while only Miyoung laugh at him.

"Sure you're getting popular over boys there and by the way he looks at you I'm sure he was soon hitting on you. I must arrived here more early to prevent them on getting on you." Taeyeon hints jealousy that Miyoung admires him alot so she assured him that it was nothing for her as she was already married now.

"Don't worry I've no interest on them since I was married to you ahjussi and you will take care of me more than them." Miyoung smile making the husband flustered so he wrapped his arms securely into her and they went home happily like a married couple do.


A/N: Jealous Taeng sure was cute. He will be a good and caring oppa/ahjussi over Miyoung.


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