Bad Encounter

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Taeyeon was ready to leave the mini apartment he used to lived with his late wife Miyoung, he spending half an hour for his black tie since it was his wife's duty in the morning how he remembered how she was focused on her duty to him, her innocent face was too distracting for Taeyeon. He saw their wedding portrait hanging on the white wall of their shared bedroom even the Polaroid pictures of them at the amusement park where they first dated after they get closer, everything inside their home were all Miyoung's memories and he wasn't used to throw them already for he wanted them to be the same and nothing changed. He smile sadly when he saw his own reflection at the mirror as he tried to hide his tears as he continue tying his necktie and after a few minutes he was done, he searched for his suitcase and lastly putting his black leather shoes when their doorbell rang early in the morning, he sensed something was off and wrong until he opened the door and he was surprise by an expected guest as usual, Jessica Jung.

"Taengoo!" She jumped to Taeyeon's small yet masculine body as he securely wraps his arms into the latter's curve waist to avoid her to fell on the cold hard floor.

"I knew it." Taeyeon thought disappointedly.

"Not happy to see me?" Jessica said sadly when she saw how Taeyeon frowned at her presence but aftee hearing a sad yet cute voice of her, the Kim midget immediately forces a fake smile just to satisfy her and not to be awkward.

"Drop me by at the school, Taengoo. Pleaseeee!" Jessica released from their hug and give a pleading eyes with a hint of cuteness that Taeyeon really hates except if Miyoung does it. As if he had a choice so he nodded but deep inside he was annoyed but he have no heart to let the woman be frustrated for the whole day since he knew how sensitive she was and how worst her moodswing was.

"C'mon you're highness!" Taeyeon saecastically expressed while acted like a prince charming offering his hand to her that Jessica gladly took that she could die in happiness just to be with her Taengoo. They went into the not-so-expensive auto of the Kim that he bought a week ago after getting hired by the Hwang, but instead of buying an expensive ones he chose to buy the old model at the second hand shop.

"Your car smells like you? Old?" Jessica joked made Taeyeon roll his eyes and let his butt get into the drivers seat and ignite the engine so they won't be late.


The spoiled brat daughter of Mr. Hwang was there seating lazily across his father who was having an headache because of the projects delayed that Tiffany let to slipped through her mind when she was in-charge of it since she was partying a week straight to her friends. She was browsing her snapchat and instagram also taking pictures of her face with troubled Mr. Hwang at the background, she took pictures with different angles with her father made the older man growled and slammed his hand on the table to finally let out his anger.


"You wish that you have no daughter like me? Is that what you want to tell me straight to my face for a long time? Why do you keep it from me and stop beating around the bush Dad and lets get this straight, right here, right now!! You don't want me right? You regret having me right? Okay, I get it!! I'm leaving N.O.W!!!! Mr. Hwang sighed since he was uses to his daughter's attitude but he was confident that Tiffany will get back home because she was not used to be alone, cooking her own food, living without money and without her fancy clothes that she always crashing to her father's gate mansion tomorrow morning again and she did it for a hundredth times already. Mr. Hwang loves Tiffany that he will sacrifice everything for her and now he felt guilty for shouting at her like that.

"Stop right there Tiffany!"

"NO! I WILL NEVER COME BACK HOME AGAIN! NEVER! FORGET THAT I'M YOUR DAUGHTER!" Tiffany yelled after slamming the door of her father's office.

Tiffany was running outside the company with tears as she held her chest due to its slightly aching but after she reached the exit door she was bumped into someone who was in hurry, she fell on the floor with her butt and groaned while the other presence was staring blankly at her froze on his spot. She opened her eyes while her hand caressing her aching butt and before she spoke, she was enfulfed into a tight embrace as she felt incredible feelings into his touch, a mixed of positive emotions and her heart unexpectedly increase and beats the usual beating unlike awhile ago when it was calm and stable.

"S-Sorry but I think we never knew each other? I don't want to be rude Mister but could you keep your body off me?" Tiffany politely said but Taeyeon was still on his own world forgetting that they were on public. He close his eyes letting his tears soaked Tiffany's lacy formal attire that immediately noticed by the frowned woman on his hold so she pushed him hard away from her and when their eyes met, a spark lights from them that caught Tiffany's eyesmile and remembered that he was the man she was eyeing the other day and interrupted by Yuri.


"S-Sorry but I have to go! I think you're just mistaken me from the real ones." Tiffany immediately broke the eye contact and leave the devastated Taeyeon on the floor who also swiftly shifted his weight to caught her wrist but before she faces a hard slap landed straight to his face made the crowd averted their attentions to both of them. She felt hurt after she done that but she choose the left the scene by the way.

"Why does my heart tells not to leave him but my mind tells that I have to. Suck this life as well as this heart! What have you done! Tiffany wake up!" Tiffany thought while walking away from the scene as she find her car that was being towed.

"Oh, fuck my car! Not again."


A/N: Finally, Jessica's Fly was flying up to the charts! Spread with love, J.


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