Falling Apart

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I haven't received any calls or messages from Taeyeon as if he was ignoring me for this past few days after what happened to us one night, I've given everything to him and willingly gave up my own virginity and what he runaway from me just like that? What a stupid ahjussi he is? Goddamn. I was frustated that he passed his resignation to my father not long ago, seriously? Does he think that I'm just only a one night stand? Fuck him! Even my last boyfriend I won't let him touch me aside from hugs and kisses. I think I'm gonna go crazy and the worst thing that my father persuading me to marry Sooyoung next month since the guy already arrives from his vacation but the hell I care. I will find Taeyeon and let him explain his shit to me, anything that could answer my questions without my father's knowledge, I smell something isn't right and that's bothering me alot, I felt that he has something to do with Taeyeon's disappearance, I'm sure he does. You think that I'm an easy woman who cried over their boyfriend who left them devastated, well you're wrong baby cause I'm not that kind of girl, sorry babe because I will definitely hunt you down or otherwise kill you, just wait for me and deserves a punishment from the great Hwang.

"Oh, Tiffany dear, just right in time, I already have Sooyoung here with his father, Mr. Choi Siwon and they want you to meet them at my office so shall we?" Great timing Dad. He was barging inside my office and he even invited that stupid guy all the way here, I'm getting frustrated, no kidding and my bare hands were now craving for blood. I want to kill someone else to ease my pain within my body system.

Duguen. Duguen. Duguen.

Crap my heart, it hurts!

I must stay calm because anger made me like this everytime, I don't want to get another moments at the hospital, never. Where's my fucking pills? Oh.

"Is there anything wrong, dear?" Crap, I forgot Appa is still here. I don't him to worry over me.

"Headache from papers, yeah. I will see them later just let me fix myself, Dad." I explained before my Dad gave me a satisfying smile before he led himself outside my office and take my medicine.

"Phew, too close. I must be careful next time when Dad's around."


Taeyeon was on his way to Community Highschool to fetch Jessica, he texted the latter awhile ago but having no response, he drive all the way here. He parked his car on the empty lot at the campus, he was sure that he was half an hour earlier than the usual. He eyed a certain spot where he could see clearly people who passed the gate after a long time wait, the bell finally rang much to his liking, one by one students already leaving the campus as well as teachers. He carefully searching for the blonde woman and he easily spotted her waiting at the front gate, he approached her and stopped infront of her while her head busy looking for someone.

"May I take you for a ride, Miss?" He offered a hand like a gentleman while Jessica froze but recovered immediately to hide her blush face.

They drove through the nearby park and led Jessica to a decent cafe. Taeyeon take their orders while Jessica found their seat against the cafe's window so they could see people passing by. Taeyeon want to clear things out between them and it was the right time to give Jessica his answers to her questions and frustrations. After their orders takes place, Jessica sipped her latte first before eyeing suspiciously directly to the man across him who seems so calm yet unreadable, she's feeling nervous but her aura hide them well so they're equal.

"I will now give you my answer." Taeyeon finally broke their deafening silence. Putting down his cup as he wipes his mouth by a napkin.

"Go ahead. I'm all ears." Jessica said nonchalantly as she stopped sipping her drink and attentively staring at him resting her chin to her palms.

"You know this past few weeks I've been neglecting you, I was thinking and confused about something that bothering me so much that I end up quitting my job so right now I want to tell you what's going on in my fucking head, Sica." Taeyeon inhaling a deep breath before proceed with his talking while Jessica staring at him nervously.

"Please let me love you again and be my girlfriend?" Jessica's mouth slightly agape couldn't contain her shocked by Taeyeon's bluntness as he taking her hands into his while smiling brightly towards her. She immediately jumped over him and placing her lips into him shamelessly gaining attention to the crowd but instead of disgust, they're all clapping and cheering for them.


The Choi's sat across Mr. Hwang while waiting for his daughter and not long after, Tiffany arrived wearing a well fitted red cocktail dress cuts above her knees paired with red stiletto making the elder Choi amused by her goddess beauty while Sooyoung wasn't paying attention until Siwon nudge him beside when their eyes met, the  young Choi's round eyes became bigger like a wall clock due to his shocked seeing his first love infront him standing arrogantly, she rolled her eyes showing annoyed and frustrated before sitting beside her father but Sooyoung's eyes never leaves Tiffany satisfy the two elder who was sharing glances and smiles from each other knowing it was a good sign for a start. They're keep on talking to business down to wedding until Sooyoung broke his silence asking Tiffany about dating him, she forcefully accepts the offer because of her father's intense glare showing anger if she didn't took the chances the Choi was given to her. She slumped herself into the confinement of the couch, she wanted to cry but not there, she wanted to release her bottled u emotions and she wanted to bent her anger to the man she supposedly marry. Sooyoung noticed her sadness so he excuses himself to bring the woman somewhere else that the two elder approved and continue their business talk with a hand gripped into her wrist, she was literally dragged outside by Sooyoung who almost died from happiness, he wanted to asked her few questions that will ease his mind but the stubborn Hwang kept her struggling against his gripped before she was led through the rooftop of the building where she crazily encountered Taeyeon made memories bitterly flooded her mind again with the thoughts of him. She cries carelessly that alarms Sooyoung who immediately soothing her engulfing into his warmth while she continued sobbing against his chest, they both silence and only their heartbeats being heard throughout the deafening silence.


A/N: This chapter contains TaengSic and SooFany moments so for TaeNy shippers out there just bear with me.


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