Chapter 10

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"The Not So Perfect Life of our All American Girl-inside the tragic kidnapping of Carrie Underwood"

Carrie stared at the magazine in front of her in shock. She couldn't move.

She looked back up at her husband who's face was full of empathy. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment before opening them again, hoping it was all a dream.

"H-how did they find out about this?" Carrie stuttered. She, Mark, Ivey, her mom, Doctor Jones, and a couple doctors and police officers were the only ones that knew. The police had promised her complete secrecy.

"I have no idea." Mike sighed, just as puzzled as she was.

"God." Carrie exhaled deeply, sitting down at the bar and putting her head in her hands. "what does it say?"

"Just read it." Mike hesitated.

Carrie opened the magazine, flipping through until she reached the article.

"Superstar Carrie Underwood was recently kidnapped in downtown Nashville last month. She was pushed into the back of a car as she exited a store and was missing for three days before being found by the Nashville Police Department. While kidnapped, she was raped, beaten, and tortured by Drake Macintosh, who is currently being held in county prison until further trial. An inside source confirmed that Carrie is now pregnant and still struggling to decide whether she will keep the baby or not. Sources have seen professional hockey player husband Mike Fisher by himself many times and even entering a hotel one night. Seems that he and Underwood aren't on good terms after the tragic episode. Underwood has been very lowkey on social media in the past month as well as Fisher taking a leave of absence from hockey. Fans have become very concerned at what's going on but it looks like we finally have an answer. Close friends of Underwood say she's having a hard time getting through the traumatic experience and hasn't been out of the house much since. I guess America's favorite all American girl doesn't have quite as wonderful of a life as we thought."

"PREGNANT? I'm not pregnant! We're not fighting! Where the hell did they get all of this from they're just making it up!" Carrie shouted.

"I can't believe this is out. The whole world is going to see this Mike, they're gonna look at me differently everything's going to be different. I didn't want anyone to know." Carrie sobbed as Mike pulled her into his chest.

"Shhh, shhh, don't cry. Don't get all worked up babe it's not worth it. It's gonna be okay."

"No it's not Mike! I'm never going to be Carrie Underwood again. I'm going to be Carrie Underwood, the celebrity who got kidnapped. Everyone's gonna look at me different, they're gonna ask questions, they're gonna wanna know everything Mike. I can't do that. I can't." She continued to sob, standing up to look him in the eyes.

"Hey look at me. It's already out there, you can't do anything to make it go away now. You just have to make the best of the situation. Keep your head high and show them you're stronger than him."

"But I'm not Mike, I'm not stronger than him. He destroyed me." Carrie whispered, barely getting the words out. The defeated look on her face broke Mike's heart to pieces.

"It's okay, it's okay. We'll get through this." Mike kissed the top of her head and led her to the couch.

"I guess I should post something on social media and clear this up. It's not like I can just ignore it and pretend it didn't happen." Carrie sighed.

"Do you want me to help you write it?" Mike asked, rubbing her arm as she leaned against him.

"No, let me type it up and then I'll show you." She said, sitting up.

She pulled up the notes on her phone and began typing.

"Hey everyone. I'm sure most of you have seen the news by now. Not sure how it got out, we planned on keeping it private but, I guess that's what happens when you're a celebrity. Anyways, I just wanted to clear some things up about it. Yes, I was kidnapped for three days before the police found me. I was raped and beaten multiple times. But I am not pregnant, nor are Mike and I fighting. I don't know where they got that information, but it's not true. Mike has been the most supportive and amazing husband I could ever ask for during this. It's been a hard month, but I'm slowly working through it and trying to get past it. We would appreciate some privacy during this. Thank you for all the supportive tweets and posts, you guys are the best😊"

"Sounds perfect to me." Mike said after reading it.

Carrie screenshot it and posted the picture to Instagram and Twitter then turned her phone off.

She sighed, falling back against Mike. "This sucks."

"I know babe, I know."

"I just want to know how it got out, so few people knew about it. I don't get it. Unless one of the doctors said something, I don't know how it would have gotten out."

"I don't either, and how it went out without you knowing a thing. Don't you usually know when you're getting ready to be in a magazine?" Mike asked, his hand running up and down his arm.

"Yeah, I guess they just kept it really quiet somehow." Carrie sighed.

"Hey, it's nothing we can't handle. You've gotten through the past month, it's only going to get easier from here. We can get through this."

"Thank you." Carrie smiled up at him, blushing slightly when he kissed her forehead.

"Did you have fun with Ivey?"

"Yeah! I actually did. We had a good time, I didn't even think about him much. You guys were right, I needed it." Carrie hated to admit her husband was right.

"I told you." He cooed, putting his forehead against hers.

"Yeah yeah yeah, shut up" she laughed.

"I love you."

"I love you too." Carrie smiled, closing the small distance between them with a slow kiss.

Looking into his eyes she knew she could overcome this obstacle. As long as she had Mike, everything was going to be okay.

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