Chapter 5

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"Honey please eat." Mike begged, sitting at the kitchen table watching his wife stare blankly at her food.

A week had passed, and every day was different. Really it was more like every hour. Some days were good; she'd eat, talk, and be in an overall good mood. Other days, she wouldn't do anything. She'd refuse to eat, she'd have horrible breakdowns. She would scream and cry, she would hate the world.

"I'm not hungry." She mumbled. She pushed her food around on her plate with her fork.

"Carrie." Mike sighed. He knew this drill, he'd battled it multiple times in the past week.

"I'm not hungry Mike!" She shouted, getting up from the table and storming off.

"Hey, hey. It's okay, it's okay." Mike ran after her, sitting down beside her on the couch. He pulled her onto his lap just in time for the floodgates to open.

"I hate this so much." She cried, clinging to her husband.

"Shh, shh." Mike rocked her back and forth and rubbed her back, a motion he had become all too familiar with this week.

Flashbacks raced through her head, swarming every ounce of her brain as tears streamed down her face like a waterfall.

"If only your husband were here to save you, I bet you wish it was him touching you like this don't you?" He said, trailing his fingers down her body.

Carrie swallowed hard, trying to keep herself from making noise. Silent tears ran down her face. No matter how hard she tried to pretend it was Mike, all it did was make it worse.

"I bet he loves this perfectly little toned stomach, these beautiful boobs, this-"

"Please, stop." Carrie begged one last time, her voice barely audible.

"I know you're enjoying this, just admit it." He smirked, trailing up her thighs. She flinched as he reached her sweet spot.

She wanted more than anything to fight against him, kick him off her, anything. But she couldn't. She was stuck, bounded to the bed by ropes and handcuffs that she could never break free from.

"Make them stop." She sobbed uncontrollably in Mike's arms, gripping him tighter with each cry.

Mike couldn't even imagine the scenes running through her head but he would have done absolutely anything he could to make them stop.

"I wish I could Carrie, I wish I could." Mike sighed.

She needed help. Real help. Help that he couldn't give her.

He and Ivey had talked about it already a couple times. She knew a wonderful psychologist that could help Carrie, but they both knew she wouldn't willingly go.

She'd always been very reserved and kept to herself. She didn't open up to many people, so there was no way she'd open up to a complete stranger.

Mike kept waiting for the right time to mention it, but of course there never seemed to be a good one.

He whispered soothing words into her ear as they sat rocking back and forth on the couch as her cries slowed.

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