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"Ivey" Carrie gasped, gripping onto the kitchen counter in pain. "My water just broke."

"Oh my gosh! I'm coming!" Ivey screamed. She jumped off the couch and raced over to her best friend.

"Ah, it hurts. It really hurts." Carrie cried, squeezing Ivey's hand as she tried to remain standing through the contraction.

She'd been having some contractions since yesterday morning and Ivey had stayed with her to be ready to take her to the hospital when the time came.

Three months had passed since Mike had died. Carrie had been in a major funk. She never went out in public and she pretty much refused to have contact with anyone other than a few people.

She'd shut everyone out and spent the first month in deep depression. With help from Ivey, her mother, and her psychologist, she'd somehow managed to start to break through the deep depression stage and start to heal, but not a day went by without tears.

The baby inside her was the greatest blessing God could have ever given her. If it weren't for him, Carrie would have never made it through this. He was the only reason she woke up in the morning, the only thing that got her through the day.

"Come on, let's get you to the hospital." Ivey took Carrie's hand and placed her other hand on Carrie's back to lead her towards the door.

"I don't think I can do this." Carrie practically sobbed. She stopped in the middle of the floor and stood still.

"I promise you can, I'm right here you're going to get through this." Ivey assured her, rubbing her back and urging her to move forward.

"No, Ivey I can't do this by myself. I need Mike." Carrie broke down into tears, burying her face into her hands.

Shit, this is going to be hard. Ivey thought to herself. She could do a lot of things, but taking the place of Mike was not one of them.

Ivey wrapped her arms around the hurting blonde beside her. Carrie cried into Ivey's shoulder, hugging her as best she could with her large stomach.

"It's okay, it's okay. We'll get through this Carrie, I promise. I know I'm no Mike, but I'm not going to leave your side until you say too, okay? You have to do this. It's going to be so worth it." Ivey looked into Carrie's broken eyes in front of her, wiping a tear away with her thumb.

"Okay." Carrie mumbled, nodding her head.

Ivey smiled, putting her arm around Carrie and leading her forward. "Let's go have a baby." 

In between contractions on the way to the hospital, Carrie called her mother who had been on the road all day already so she could be there when Carrie had her baby. Carole was only less than an hour away now, which was perfect timing.

"IVEY" Carrie screamed as another contraction hit her, more painful than any previous ones.

"Squeeze my hand, squeeze my hand I know it hurts." Ivey assured her, giving Carrie her hand to grip as she pulled into the hospital.

"Ivey I don't think I can do this, it hurts so bad." Carrie cried.

Ivey waited until the contraction had passed to help Carrie out of he car.

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