Chapter 17

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•TIME SKIP: 5 Years•

"Carrie are you ready?" Ivey shouted, entering Carrie's bedroom to see her struggling to get her jeans on.

"I can't get any pants on over this bump." Carrie pouted, looking down at the small four month baby bump she had.

"God bless." Ivey laughed, rolling her eyes at her best friend.

"Just wear leggings, it's easier." Ivey suggested, plopping down on the king sized bed and laughing.

"Stop laughing." Carrie protested, giving her the evil eye.

"You did the same thing with me three years ago when I had Leona, so it's only fair I get to do it to you." Ivey grinning widely at the blonde.

"Shut up, just go get me some leggings please." Carrie reluctantly asked.

"Ma'am yes ma'am" Ivey saluted, laughing as she grabbed black leggings out of Carrie's closet.

Carrie quickly changed into the leggings and slipped on some boots. "Much better"

"You're such a dork, come on we're going to be late." Ivey grabbed her purse and the two walked out of the house.

"Is Mike nervous?" Ivey asked as they pulled onto the interstate.

"Probably. He tried to play it off like he wasn't on the phone today but I know he is. It's his last season, he wants to go out with a bang."

"Yeah I bet! I can't believe he's retiring after this season, that's so crazy. All we've ever known is Mike the hockey player." Ivey laughed.

"I know! It's going to be so weird. But it'll be good, especially with the baby coming. I'm going to need the extra help."

"Yes! It will be so nice. Man I hope they win tonight." Ivey said as she pulled into the arena parking lot.

Making their way inside the arena and to their box, Carrie stopped to take pictures with a couple fans.

"I think you just made their entire life with that one picture." Ivey laughed as they sat down.

"I tend to have the power to that sometimes." Carrie grinned. "You should consider yourself lucky, there's a lot of people out there that wish they could be you."

"Hey I'd wish I was me too. I'm pretty awesome." She said sarcastically, the two both laughing at each other.

"You are such a dork."

"Hey so are you!" Ivey protested, holding her hand over her heart in shock.

"That's why you love me." Carrie cooed, giving her best friend a big fake smile.

"Nah, I'm just here for the free stuff." Ivey held up the drink in her hand, motioning towards the rink in front of them.

"Shut up." Carrie punched her arm.

The game started shortly after that and the Preds kicked off the game with a goal in the first three minutes.

Their power play lasted their entire game, leaving a final score of 5-1, including a goal from Mike. Carrie and Ivey had no voice left by the end of the game from screaming so much. Everyone's adrenaline was pumping from excitement.

"That was insane oh my gosh, they haven't played that well all season!" Ivey exclaimed as the two walked towards the locker room.

"I know! I can't believe they played like that! They were on fire!" The two rambled back and forth full of excitement as they walked to the locker room. Ivey went to the bathroom and Carrie waited outside for her husband.

Mike finally came out of the locker room, a big smile on his face when he saw his wife.

"Congratulations baby! That was amazing!" Carrie squealed, jumping into her husband's arms. Carrie had just gotten back that day from a couple shows, so the couple hadn't seen each other in a week.

"Thank you thank you." He spun her around in a circle before setting her down and kissing her. "I've missed you so much."

"I've missed you too." Carrie squeezed her husband tight. "That was so amazing, you guys killed it out there I've never seen everyone play so well!"

"I know it was crazy, I don't know where that fire came from." Mike laughed.

"Hey man, we're going to celebrate at Joe's, you coming?" Shea asked, coming up to us.

"Nah man, I think I'm just gonna head home."

"Why? Mike you should go! This could be your last time celebrating a win with the team, don't worry about me." Carrie protested.

"It's okay, I'm really tired, and we haven't seen each other in a week. I'd rather go home and celebrate with you." Mike said with a small smirk.

"Mike." Carrie murmured though clenched teeth, giving him the "don't say that or I'll kill you" look.

"Ah, I see. I get it, I'd wanna go home and celebrate too." Shea winked, hitting Mike on the back. "You two have fun."

"I can't believe you said that!" Carrie slapped his chest.

"You love me anyways." Mike cooed, wrapping his arms around her and trapping her in his hug.

"Let go of meee!" Carrie squealed, laughing hysterically as her husband tickled her.

"Fine fine," Mike finally agreed, letting her go as Ivey came back over to them. "I'll see you back at the house, I just have to get all my stuff."

"Okay, drive safe." Carrie smiled, rising onto her tip toes to kiss him.

"You guys too." He smiled back.

Carrie and Ivey headed out to find their car and Mike went back into the locker room to get his stuff together.

Mike got home about thirty minutes after Carrie, just as she was getting out of the shower.

She put on underwear and one of Mike's t shirts and walked into the bedroom to see Mike waiting on her.

"Oh god you scared me, I didn't know you were home yet!" Carrie squealed.

Mike chuckled, standing up to walk towards her.

"Damn, you look so good in that shirt, and that baby bump makes you look even sexier." Mike smirked, placing his hands on her hips and pulling her close.

Carrie blushed, her cheeks turning red.

"You played so well tonight." She whispered, biting her bottom lip which she knew drove her husband crazy.

"I love you so much." Mike mumbled against her lips, pushing her gently back onto the bed and pulling her t shirt off.

"I love you too." Carrie moaned, falling under the spell of her husband as he caressed her body. She flipped them over so that she was sitting on top of him and yanked his shirt off.

"Let's celebrate that win why don't we."

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