Chapter 24

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"Are you up for a little visitor?" Ivey popped her head into the hospital room where Mike and Carrie were laying.

"Sure" Mike smiled. Carrie pealed off Mike and sat down in the chair beside him.

"Come on baby." Ivey squealed, entering the hospital room with Leona.

"Hi sweetheart" Mike cooed, putting a smile on his face to hide the pain and tiredness.

"Hi! We brought cuptakes!" She said excitedly. She jumped into Carrie's lap and hugged her.

"Awe thank you! Y'all are the greatest I can't wait."

"How do you feel?" Ivey and Mark sat down in the couch beside Carrie.

"Not too bad. The numbness has worn off so it's getting painful."

"We're hoping we can go home tomorrow." Carrie added.

"Good! We miss you back in Nashville." Mark said.

"Yeah I'm so ready to get out of this bed!" Mike laughed.

"Carrie why don't I take you to lunch or something? Mark and Leona can stay here with Mike. You need to go out you've been here for a long time." Ivey suggested after they'd sat around for a while. Leona was sound asleep on the couch beside Ivey.

"I don't know, I should probably stay." Carrie said, rubbing Mike's arm.

"Carrie don't be silly. Go out and get some fresh air and good food. I'll be fine." Mike laughed.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes babe, I promise." Mike assured her.

"Alright. Call me if you need me, we'll be back in a bit. I love you." Carrie kissed his forehead and then his lips.

"I love you too babe." Mike said as Carrie and Ivey walked out.

After two days of being cooped up in a hotel room and then another two in a hospital, it was nice for Carrie to see the sunshine and get out.

"How are you?" Ivey asked after they sat down at a small cafe down the street from the hospital.

"I'm okay. I'm doing better. I've had a couple meltdowns, but I'm okay. Just a lot to take in."

Ivey frowned. "I'm sorry Care."

"It's okay, really. I just have to keep telling myself Drake is dead and Mike is going to be okay." Carrie argued, but really she was trying to convince herself.

"Now everything really is going to be okay." Ivey assured her with a smile.

Carrie and Ivey ended up talking for hours until they realized how long they'd been gone and headed back.

When they entered the room, Mike was asleep in his bed, Mark was asleep in the chair, and Leona was still asleep on the couch.

"Oh gosh, this is picture worthy." Carrie laughed, snapping a photo of the three.

Mike and Mark woke up to the sound of the girls laughing and talking.

"Leona baby wake up, it's time to go home." Mark knelt down beside his daughter in front of the couch.

Like always, it took her forever to wake up after she'd been asleep so Mark picked her up and let her sleep in his arms.

"I'm going to go ahead and take her home, I'll see you later guys, take care." Mark gave Carrie a quick hug and grabbed their keys.

"I'll walk out with you." Ivey said.

Carrie laid down beside Mike and snuggled against him.

"Did you have a good lunch?"

"Yeah! It was nice to get out!" Carrie exclaimed.

"Carrie" Mike suddenly gasped, clasping his hands over his throat. He gasped for air before going unconscious.

The heart monitors all started beeping like crazy and Carrie let out another blood curdling scream.

Within seconds, four nurses had rushed into the room, one with a crash cart.

Carrie stood frozen with her hands over her mouth, big tears rolling down her face and her heart beating a thousand times a minute.

"Ma'am I'm going to need to ask you to come with me." One said calmly, placing her hand on Carrie's arm.

The entire scene was a complete blur to Carrie, but somehow she managed to end up in the waiting room sobbing into Ivey's arms.

"what's happening?" Carrie cried as a nurse walked over to her. She'd been crying so hard she didn't even have the strength to stand up.

"We're not sure. Something's wrong with his heart, they're taking him into surgery right now. I'll do my best to keep you updated ma'am." She said calmly.

"Is-is he gonna be o-okay?" Carrie barely managed to get out.

"I don't know. They won't know anything until they get him opened up. I'm sorry." She said, turning to leave the two alone.

"Ivey." Carrie cried uncontrollably. Her tears had completely soaked Ivey's shirt.

"Shhh, shhh. It's okay, it's okay. The more worked up you let yourself get, the worse you're going to make it. Just try to be calm until we know more okay?" Ivey tried to calm her best friend back, but Carrie had lost it completely and there was no going back.

Ivey sat Carrie up, taking Carrie's hands in hers. "Let's pray."

Sniffling, Carrie nodded and closed her eyes.

"Dear Heavenly Father, we ask that you take care of Mike during this time of pain. Be with him and hold him in the palm of your hand. Be with the doctors in this operating room and guide them to do the right thing and save him. Help us to understand your will and trust in you no matter what happens. In your name we pray, Amen."

"Thank you." Carrie whispered almost inaudibly. Ivey pulled her back into her embrace and held her tight, rocking her back and forth as they waited.

After what felt like hours, the young nurse came back into the waiting room and sat down beside Carrie.

"I'm so sorry Mrs. Fisher. We did everything we could, but your husband didn't make it."


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