Feeling Too Blessed

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Saturday, October 15.

Lately I've been feeling almost... Too blessed. My closest friends have all had rough pasts and go home to difficult circumstances, and here I am, living in a large house, married parents who love each other, Christian family. We don't have any significant financial problems. I have a decent car waiting for my 16th birthday. I have a growing college fund I've never needed to add to, and my parents aren't too strict or too lenient.

Most importantly, my family is almost entirely Christian.

My parents have strong faith in God and raised me to be a godly woman. I've always thought this life was completely normal. My friends always had priveliged lives like me, or they just never said anything if they had problematic families.

Until this past year. After summer camp when I got my reality check and realized God is far more important than anything in my trivial life, my relationships with my friends went to an entirely new level. We feel comfortable sharing pretty much anything with each other, and now that all of us have a strong faith in God, we share an unbreakable bond that is rarely experienced among teenagers, or anyone else for that matter. So, now I know almost everything about their lives... And it's not pretty. My home life lies in utter contrast to theirs. After long days at school enduring the cussing, ungodly behavior and being forced to learn about the big bang, I come home to a God-loving atmosphere.

They come home to even more ungodliness, coming from the people they love most. After hearing their stories, I feel sick knowing how much I have. Why would God give me so much and them so little? Why are ungodly families so rare in this world?

I've been thinking about that these past few days, about what God wants me to do with everything I've been given. I came to the conclusion that maybe my house could be a safe, loving, Christlike refuge for my friends when they come over.

They are like ships caught in a storm, being blown by the wind and crashed by waves. God has made me a safe harbor for them, to come and rest a while before going back out into the storm.

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