Just Me And God

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Sometimes, I think we just need to get back to the basics of our relationship with God.  We get so caught up in our friends, our family, the rush of daily life and just trying to get everything done.  Then we feel like we are drifting from God, as if He's not paying attention to us. 

I think we all need to turn the music off, close the Bible, get off the computer and be completely alone with God at least once a day.  Maybe you feel closest to Him kneeling in your backyard beneath the stars, or just closing the door and shutting your eyes for a few moments.  We can't live this life alone, and we all mess up, every single day.  You know what I'm talking about.  Talking about someone behind their back, letting the occasional cuss word slip, telling that tiny white lie.  Cheating on your wife, stealing a car, killing someone.  They are all the same in God's eyes.  Sin is sin.  Stop making excuses, and fall before the Creator of the Universe, who, by His amazing love, is willing to forgive you again and again. 

I'm not talking about devotions, reading the Bible daily, or saying your prayers.  (Which are all good things).  I'm talking about a daily realization that we are human, and God is the LORD.  We all need to get back to the basics of just knowing that we are so unworthy of everything God has given us, and all the worry, doubt and problems of our lives pale in comparison to our Lord Almighty.  So, next time you are overcome with worry or grief or lonliness (I battle these things frequently), hit the "pause" button on life for a while and fall to your knees with arms high and heart abandoned, in awe of the One who gave it all. 


 Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God.


This past week, I have been feeling distant from God.  I hate the fact that no matter how many times he comforts me, gives me strength and performs amazing miracles, I still always need more.  It reminds me of the story of the nation of Israel being freed from Egypt and taken to the promised land.  All the way, they deny God and ask for more, more, more.  He continues to provide, despite their selfishness and doubt.  To display to myself, again, the power of God, I am going to make a list of when His will intersected with my life.

7th grade (3 years ago):  Jesus Christ saved me from eternity in hell and I began my relationship with Him. 

8th-9th grade:  I rebelled against God, hanging out with the wrong friends. I didn't have any Christian friends, and I fell farther and farther away.

June, 2011: Summer camp I was persuaded to go to. I rediscovered my faith, but I was worried about returning to my old life without Christian friends to support me. 

July 2011: I witnessed to my best friend. She came to Christ, and I told some other friends I couldn't hang out with them anymore because they pulled me away from God.  They didn't understand.  

August 2011: My best friend and I tried to get two of our other really close friends to come to church with us.  They came, but weren't growing closer to God.  We prayed for them every night.  One of them was on the verge of athiesm, and we didn't know what to do.  Our prayers seemed to be going unanswered.  Astoundingly, one week at church they were both saved the very same night.  God answered us.  Now, every church service we are in the front row on our knees.  God's amazing power still amazes me. 

September 2011: School has been hard, and I was worried my faith would fade as I was surrounded with so many non Christians. We started a Monday bible study, and that helps a little. I have to hear cussing all day, watch pregnant girls walk through the hall and see shorts so short butts are hanging out. a But God has provided me strength, and I am still here. 

October 2011: My faith is still going strong, and the first quarter of the year is over.  I can't wait for college, when I have more freedom and I don't have to deal with the constant stress of so many people dishonoring the God I love and serve with all I have.  Anticipation of going to church gets me through the week, but it is beginning to wear on me. I'm not sure how much more school I can handle, but I hope it's enough to get through to graduation.  I trust in God fully to give me the strength I need to endure each day.

Wow... that really helped :) At least there's church tonight.

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