Where Is Your Time?

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What is it that you're doing with all your time?  What are your priorities in life?

I've heard the excuses that people make.  They never make it to church because they're always busy.  Always a party to go to.  Always a basketball game.  Always a track meet.  Always work.  Always chores to finish.  But there comes a time when you need to decide what your priorities are.  If you consider yourself a child of God, then you can't get by in life by not spending any time with your own Father.  Most of us see or talk to our parents and loved ones on a regular basis.  When is the last time you went to church, or read your Bible, or even thanked God for waking you up another day?  The purpose of a relationship is to constantly chase after God, finding traces of Him in everything and everyone you meet.  Chasing after God is constantly seeking to understand Him a little more, feel His love for you in new ways.  Priorities are easily distorted.  Things you thought were under control can slip away.  When you get to heaven, do you think God will look at you and say, "Where were you?"  Or will he say, "Well done, good and faithful servant."  If God is truly all we need, then why do other things seem so much more important?

All my life, my family has stressed things like education, success, sports, and doing your best.  These are all wonderful things that can be used to bring honor to God.  But God should always be before these things.  Consider your options wisely when committing to things such as sports teams and advanced classes.  Will you still have time for Bible reading and prayer each night, or making it to church most weekends?  Are you willing to make some sacrifices for God?  He was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for you.  All He asks is for a little bit of your time.  Seems a little unfair, doesn't it?  There is a reason for the time God wants to spend with you.  It will help your relationship with Him grow into something more amazing than you could ever imagine.

What are you doing this Sunday?

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