And then I surrendered... EVERYTHING.

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How far in are you with God? How much would you give up for Him?

A year ago, I would have answered that with a laugh. Why would I need to sacrifice any of my stuff for God? Aren't I already saved? I'm not required to do anything. The truth is, I was very, very wrong.

God didn't call us into this holy war so we could sit on the sidelines with a bowl of popcorn. No, whoever calls himself a child of God is fighting Satan til the day he dies. How? By spreading the truth to whoever will listen, by loving others as Jesus loved, by seeking to transform this generation into men and women of God! There is so much to do, and so many Christians aren't stepping up to the call. Jesus didn't say, "finish that laundry, then follow me." He simply said "follow me." Have you dropped everything and followed Him? What is more important that's keeping you back?

It's time to lay down your fear, pride, arrogance, and selfishness and pick up your cross. It should be plainly obvious to everyone you meet that you belong to God. If you don't have a burning desire to see lives changed by the power of God, something isnt right. So forget about yourself and your wants. Live your life to love others. Don't worry what other people think. Just leave it all behind and follow Jesus.

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