13. Light

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We are a few weeks into spring now and Peeta and I are closer than ever. At one point in my life the only person I was certain that I loved was Prim. But I know now that I have loved much more. Prim, Cinna, Rue, Finnick and countless others like down to that rancid cat Buttercup who comes freely to our house as he pleases. Today he's come in, the  few months. Who knows where that cat's been during the winter, but he was sure here when I needed him after the war. When everyone was gone. When Peeta showed up he saw that I didn't need him as much I guess and went off, grieving in his own way probably for the love we both lost. He came back today with the smell of lake water and woods. I bathe him in the early morning with little fight. He's getting old. I decide to make his stay permanent which I tell him as I dry him off. Peeta helps too but minimally, he knows the Buttercup and I share a connection that even he can't understand fully, but respects. Like he always does.

I think back to wonder where Buttercup has been and I finally realize that he was in the woods, near my father's Lake. I knew I recognized it somewhere. I had not forgotten about my father's lake, but with the fresh reminder from the newly cleansed cat I decide that it's time to take Peeta there. I want him to see it, know it, share it with me. So this morning I start to pack a basket with food, blankets, and towels before Peeta has gotten out of bed.

Peeta's POV

I wake up to an empty bed and humming coming from downstairs. I lay in bed for a couple of seconds I think of how lucky I am to be safe in a warm bed cozied by our scent and a purring Buttercup. I think of how wonderful it really is to wake up to humming downstairs. I think these things and play this game because hours ago in a distant world I thought I'd lost her. But those were just dreams and I'm here now, so I sit up, strap my prosthetic leg on, and head downstairs to the source of the humming. As I descend the stairs I walk to the kitchen to see Katniss laying a blanket on top of a basket and setting it on the table top. I slowly walk towards her and gently hug her from behind, wrapping my arms around her waist and resting my head on her shoulder. She understands why I'm being so emotional and gentle. I always do this when I have a nightmare of losing her, or dreams from the war, or dreams of my my dead brothers, my family. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think of them, the same goes for Katniss with her father and Prim. But I wasn't myself when I lost them, found out that I'd lost them. I didn't believe it under the hijacking, didn't believe who had done it was the very man who held me captive. So she holds on to my arms and tucks her head into mine. I hug her tighter.

"Shh, it's ok,I'm not going anywhere Peeta," she comforts me.

I take a deep breath as she turns around and smiles at me, "I'm staying right here okay?"
I look into her eyes and finally smile, "Okay," I agree, "me too."

We eat breakfast and I ask her what the basket is for.

"I want to take you to the woods today. Show you a special place there."

I haven't been in the woods since I went to the meadow and found the Primroses that I planted on the side of our house. And the last time I was in the woods with Katniss was during our first games where my tread was so loud it scared away the game.

"Are you sure. You know I'm not that light on my feet."
"Absolutely. Plus I won't be doing that much hunting today."

I agree then, to go out into the woods, not knowing what she was up to, but I agree nonetheless. As she cleans up breakfast mess I go upstairs and get dressed and soon we are out the door in the spring weather with nothing but a basket and each other.

We stroll to the woods and at one point our hands find each other's. It's one of the most natural things we're good at: finding each other. We come to a gate within a fence of the same structure, built in replacement of the large electrified fence that bordered Twelve. I go to the open the gate for her but she beats me too it,

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