17. Today Pt. 1

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My arms are stretched out beside me, holding onto the warm body snuggled up against me. Daylight streams through the open window and I feel it warm my skin. Her eyes flutter open to reveal a glossy grey, groggy but radiant from sleep. The first thing they see are my own blue ones and she stays staring into them, smiling. We lay there not saying a word, not wanting to ruin the moment, to stay in it forever. I take her in, the same way she is observing me. I admire how the sun beams and warms her glowing olive skin as her eyes roam my face. I admire her tussled hair and how every strand sticks out in a perfect ballet of wave and frizz. I admire her little nose, sprinkled with the tiniest and smallest amount of freckles. I rub my nose against hers giving her an escamo kiss. She makes a soft noise in the back of her throat, a mix between a chuckle and a giggle. This causes me to smile even brighter and kiss her quickly but sweetly on the lips and rest our foreheads together.

"Happy Birthday Katniss," I whisper. I know she's scared someone will here it, as if it's a secret, even though now ones hear to listen but us.

"Thank you and shhh," she hushes me confirming my thoughts.

"I made you a surprise birthday breakfast," I mention cheerfully. I came up here a few minutes ago hopeful that she hadn't woken up yet. I hadn't wanted her to wake up alone today.

"Is that why you have your prosthetic on under the sheets," she accuses. I feel a slight tug as she wraps her legs around my false one which she always does with my stump. I should've known she would sense it.

I avert the question. May 8 had meant something different to her in the old District Twelve. It meant something different for me too. It meant that she could enter more tesserae for her family in exchange for food and grain. It also meant her name would be entered into the reaping bowl more times, which meant more chances to walk into an arena and face death. But now this day is new, this is her first birthday in a long one that she doesn't live in that world anymore. And mine will be the same. Today will be special and if not happy then slightly more okay than any regular day of the year.

"Today will be special my love," I address as I get from under the covers and stand up.
She tries to get up with me but I stop her.

"No, breakfast in bed."
"Peeta I'm not ill."
"Yea you are you have a high birthday fever."

I laugh and put my hands up in retreat.

"Alright, alright. Whatever you want," I say with my hands still behind my head."
"Thank you," she says stubbornly and tries to climb out of bed again.
"But I get to carry you!" I shout, quickly bringing my hands from behind my head and grabbing her under her knees, scooping her up.

"Peeta! Ahh!" She screams in surprise, unapprovement, and in what I sense... a hint of delight. She fakes struggle but soon recedes, wrapping her arms around my neck and biting her lip huddling back a giggle. Moved with her sweet cuteness I kiss her hard on the cheek, making a POP noise when I pull away. She's tickled by the kiss and giggles again as I carry her down into the nook of the kitchen where the table is and set her down on a chair. The table is pre-set since it had only been a few minutes I left it and gone to snuggle and wake her up on her special day. She looks around at the table admiring the meat, eggs, and cheesebuns, I've set for her.

"You didn't have to do all this," she says, though not hiding her hunger.
"It's for the birthday girl, I wanted too. So hush up and dig in," I tell her.
"Well if that's an order..." She questions but doesn't finish, obviously distracted by the meal layer out for her. We fix our plates and delve into the meal. So far it has been a wonderful morning for her and as if I needed my thoughts to be reassured I look up from my plate and find a bright eyed Katniss Everdeen, her cheeks puffed out with food and a fork just leaving her mouth, locking eyes with me and raising her cheeks in a stuffed smile, loving the food and loving me.

Ta b continaahd

AN: I've had serious writers block but I have an idea thanks to the lovely mechanism called Daydreaming!!Next chapter on ur way now!

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