*Warning* The following contains Physical, Psychological and Sexual Abuse.
My mother's nose was wrinkled and she had stepped back a pace. "look at the mess you made!" she hissed. My eyes were blurry and I could faintly feel tears on my face and the cooling tracks running down my hot chest. I tried to look where she was pointing toward my feet. I had wet myself! I was embarrassed and scared. Would I be punished for this too?
My mother looked at me with disdain and flicked her hand toward me in dismissal. I slumped in relief until I heard her say "You can have her Ryan. Don't fuck the whore. Not yet. Clean her up and do whatever else you want with her. Then send her back here to clean up her own mess" She said as she indicated the floor. She turned her back toward me and went to the fridge to find something to eat.
Ryan stalked toward me with that look of deprivation in his eyes. I tried to hunch forward to protect myself but with my elbows tied together it was too painful and shocks shot through my arms. He swept me up into his arms and walked down the hall to his bathroom.
Gently he set me down in front of the toilet and looked at me, eyes glittering in the dull light. He pushed the hair back from my face and smiled gently "You shouldn't have run off. I'm supposed to protect you. I need to be with you to be able to protect you... Your mom just wants the best for you. Just like I do. When will you realize I am the best you deserve?"
Tears came to my eyes. Maybe they were right. Both of them. Maybe I was just a bad daughter, inconsiderate and worthless. Maybe he was all I deserved, the best I was really worth. Apparently I was not worth very much.
"I'm going to take this towel out. Go ahead and scream... No one is going to help." He pulled the towel out of my mouth and I gagged a little as it brushed the back of my throat and at the thought that he was right. No one would come. My mother had given me to this monster after beating me black and blue, to do with what he wanted. My sister had most likely helped him get me in trouble in the first place. Marc was far far away at the moment and I didn't even exist in anyone else's mind. Somewhere there might be a teacher who remembered me or a kid from school who wondered where the strange silent girl from class went. But there was no one to save me. Not now, not ever. It would be easier to do what he wanted than to get hurt more in the process of fighting.
He nodded when I didn't say or do anything. "good girl, I'm going to take good care of you"
I tilted my head forward slightly to ease the pressure on my arms and he grabbed my hips and pulled me to face him as he sat down on the toilet seat. He reached up and unbuttoned the top of my jean shorts and started pulling at the zipper. I hastily backed up a step. Cold flat numb eyes glared up at me through thick brown lashes and I wheezed through my dry throat. He reached toward me and I took a tiny step forward breathing heavily. He unzipped the zipper and slid the shorts down my legs. I shuddered violently as his fingers hooked in my underwear and those followed my shorts. The spark was back in his eyes and he was beaming. Did he think I liked this? Was he that crazy?
He picked me up again and put me in the shower and started the water. It was luke warm and felt amazing. I groaned a little as the cool water ran over my burning hot breasts. Smiling he grabbed the soap and went to run it over me. I flinched away and he rushed towards me getting in my face growling out "what did I say about being good?!"
I cowered against the wall under his chin. Looking up I tried to seem contrite and submissive "I'm sorry, it's just my breasts really hurt... the water feels very nice though. Thank you?" I didn't mean to make it sound like a question but it came out that way.

A New Family (A Ghost Bird Story)
FanfictionSang and her new family move to Sunnyvale Crescent. Her mother Emily, sister Marie and stepbrother Ryan are all out to make her life a living hell under the nose of her protective stepfather Marc. But Marc is gone on weekly business trips, Ryan fol...