Thank you so much Annie Mous for helping me with shopping and thank you Becky for helping talk me through my really tough writer's block. Hopefully it is gone!
I am sorry it has taken so long for this. Between my writer's block, moving and no Internet situation this is kind of a miracle. Sorry it is unedited.
Victor POV
I wake at 6:30 a.m. and make my way through the maze of sleeping bags to get to the bathroom. Sang slept peacefully after her nightmare but I was up for a few hours. I worried about her. She was having trouble breathing before she woke up and I had trouble waking her. I wonder if she had some sort of panic attack in her sleep or has some kind of sleep apnea.I take a quick shower. I know the other guys will be up soon. As soon as I get out North replaces me and I go to my computer I want to look up a few things about PTSD and sleep apnea.
Luke comes out of the other bathroom a few minutes later and starts cooking breakfast followed by Nathan. By the time Doc comes stumbling out to the smell of bacon I have found a few promising websites. I motioned him over and hand him the computer getting up to go and help set the table.
Doc closes down the computer when North gets finished with his shower so he can go and take one. I know he has to get ready to go and see Mrs. Sorenson with Mr. B this morning. I am happy to spend all the money Gabe tells me to just to not have to be part of that meeting. I would spend money on Sang either way.
"Are you all always up this early?" Sings beautiful voice cuts through my thoughts.
I turn to her and open my arms. She stumbles towards me still groggy from sleep. Rubbing her eyes she smiles up at me. "hello, Princess. I'm sorry if we woke you." I wonder when her smiles will stop knocking my breath out of me.
Probably never."It's okay. I just want to spend my time with you."
Luke, North and Nate bring out the breakfast. I got the juice and bring out the Starbucks Frappuccinos that some of us like. I think Sang might like them too. North starts eating quickly so that he can go over and relieve Kota to come and eat with Gabe before we go shopping.North give Sang a quick hug and tells her he will see her later. He has a pained look on his face. I know he will see her in a few hours but you would think he wouldn't see her for a week.
We have become so attached to her in the last few days.
Luke starts piling on the chocolate chip pancakes the second North leaves "what?" He says looking around us gaping at him "he forgot to tell me how many I could have!"
"Well, save some for Gabe and Kota." Nate chides making Luke sigh.Gabe and Koda came running in a few minutes later and give Sang hugs. "You look like shit! Did these assholes keep you up all night?" Gabe burst out.
Doc clears his throat and gives him a withering look.
Gabriel falls to his knees at Sangs side with a pout on his face "I didn't mean that. I just meant you look tired. Sorry, I forgot you aren't used to my mouth yet. Trouble? Forgive me?"
Sang smiles and tentatively reaches a hand out to Gabe's pouting lips. She tries to push it back in and he pushes it out further. Suddenly her brow wrinkles, her eyes get a gleam of tears and her lip pouts out."NO! No, no no! Don't you do that to me. That shit doesn't work on me anyway. Put that lip away!" Gabe hollers.
"You did it to her. It's really only fair!" Smirks Nate
"Okay! What can I do? How do I make it better? Look I'm happy! Gabe plasters a huge grin on his face as he says it.The pout melts off of Sangs face and is replaced with a smirk.
"Oh... you are Trouble!" Gabe looks around the table with the rest of us. "Did you see that? She is so trouble."
Nate nods, Doc grins and Luke just looks at her like he is proud of her Kota smiles into his eggs in approval and I just gaze at her. My princess.
We slowly finished breakfast in mostly silence.Gabe starts in after he leans back and release relaxes with a glass of juice in his hand. "I think I know where we should start shopping..."
Doc breaks and before Gabe could continue "Gabe remember you are just getting a few essentials on this shopping trip."
***Sang POV
Pulling up to the mall I have a small panic attack I have seen malls on TV and in passing through town but I have never gone shopping. It is big and busy and I shrink back into my seat and press into Silas while Kota holds on to my hand on my other side. Gabriel has already bounced out of the car and is tapping his foot outside our open back passenger side door to Victor's BMW.
Kota inches out of the car and pulls me with him as Silas releases his warm hold around my waist to get out of his side of the car. In moments we are all walking into the large glass entryway of the mall.Gabriel grabs my hand and pulls me gently toward Victoria Secret "I know you are injured so we will only be able to do this by measurement don't be scared, trouble no one will hurt you while I am breathing," Gabriel whispered. "I just need an idea of what you like trust me. I've got this."
I swallowed deeply. I've never been shopping in my life, now here I am with my new friends in a lingerie shop. I can't stop blushing and I don't know what to say. Victor looks down at me with a serene smile on his face and nudges me further into the shop. "Gabe knows what he's doing."
I change into one of the underwear sets that Victor just bought me and we move on. Shopping went slowly not just because Gabriel insisted on looking at every single item in every single shop. I couldn't try on everything because of the pain I started to feel, so Gabriel had to hold shirts, skirts and dresses up and guess. I have never heard so much colorful language in my life, but it is just so Gabriel but all I can do is smile with wide eyes as he gets more and more upset.
"Gabe, leave Sang alone. It's not her fault she can't move" Kota soothed trying to calm him."Kota is right Silas smoothly cut in. "Plus I'm hungry, so Sang must be starving. Let's have lunch!"
Sorry, I've got another 2200ish words written but I'm just too tired to try and put them in through my phone tonight. Someone implore the internet god to fix my modem and things will be much better for all of us!

A New Family (A Ghost Bird Story)
FanfictionSang and her new family move to Sunnyvale Crescent. Her mother Emily, sister Marie and stepbrother Ryan are all out to make her life a living hell under the nose of her protective stepfather Marc. But Marc is gone on weekly business trips, Ryan fol...