A/N Thanks to Kaitlyn and Ripley for editing
Sang POV
I feel the air shift when the stairwell door opens. I was afraid it was my dream coming to life. I wait, still and quiet. Whoever is coming is almost completely silent, but I smell soft spring soap that doesn't belong to the boys sleeping beside me.
A man walks into the room. He's tall with short, dark brown hair. He wears a grey suit and a red tie. I wonder if the boys have plans to do something important later today. He has glasses with black rims just like Kota's. He looks severe as he glances around the room with his steel colored eyes.
He finally glances at me and sees that I am awake and staring at him. I blush a bit at being caught.
He takes a step toward me and pulls his hands behind his back, straightening his shoulders as he looks down at me.
"Miss Sorenson, I believe?" he states quietly
I sit up and Kota's arm slides across my body and down my side in his sleep. I wince and look back at Mr. Perfect. I nod at his question. Here I am sleeping in a bed with people I don't know, in clothes that aren't mine. I can't imagine what he is thinking of me right now.
He continues to stare into my eyes, asking questions with his gaze that I can't answer.
I blush but try and keep eye contact. His eyes roam my face, hair, and body now. Suddenly he stiffens and calls out, "Mr. Lee! Dr. Green! Report!"
He is so loud and abrupt after our silent conversation that I make an undignified squeak and flinch away from him.
Kota has the reverse reaction. He flies out of bed and stands at attention, ready to do whatever is asked of him. It's kind of cute the way his hair is standing up and his pant leg is sticking around his knee.
Then there is Sean. He barely moves at all, just enough to grumble, "Shove it where the sun don't shine, OWEN! Come here Pookie... I need some snuggling after being so rudely awakened." Sean reaches his hand out to me and pouts.
I look up to Mr. Perfect to see what I should do. If he needs me for something. What is happening? He grants me a tiny smile and a flick of a nod. So I scramble over to Sean and curl into his side.
I hear Mr. Perfect say, "Please do sit, Mr. Lee." Then he pulls a chair over toward the bed so we all can see and hear him better.
I stare at him in fascination.
"Miss Sorenson. I am Mr. Blackbourne," he states.
"Also known as Owen," Sean murmurs in my ear.
I look as Sean quickly, but his eyes are only half open, so I look back at Mr. Owen Blackbourne.
"I prefer Mr. Blackbourne," he clarifies.
I can respect that. He seems to be the authority figure for this group even if he only appears a few years older than me.
Suddenly Sean grabs me and pulls me back. "Don't listen to him Pookie! Rebel with me against the man!... He's the man!" he whispers the last part. Then he starts to tickle me. I laugh and giggle but the pressure from the bandages is making it hard to get a full breath. Suddenly he stops tickling. "Sorry, Pookie, that must be hard on your chest with it all wrapped up"
I shoot a look over at Mr. Blackbourne and see that he shows no surprise. He must already know. That makes my face redden again.
Kota puts a hand on my shoulder while Sean runs a hand down my back. "It's okay Sang. Mr. Blackbourne knows what happened to you and is here to help you.

A New Family (A Ghost Bird Story)
FanfictionSang and her new family move to Sunnyvale Crescent. Her mother Emily, sister Marie and stepbrother Ryan are all out to make her life a living hell under the nose of her protective stepfather Marc. But Marc is gone on weekly business trips, Ryan fol...